Thaddius Riker was a human who lived on 19th century Earth. Thaddius served as a Colonel in the Union Army during the American Civil War. Thaddius was a distant ancestor of Kyle Riker, and Kyle's son Captain William T. Riker. Thaddius had the nickname of "Old Iron Boots." He commanded the 102nd New York Infantry during General William T. Sherman's March to the Sea campaign. William Riker possessed Thaddius Riker's diary, in which Thaddius had documented his experiences during the Civil War. (ST - The Lost Era novel: Deny Thy Father)
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- Thaddius Riker
- Thaddius Riker
- Thaddius Riker
| - Noto ai suoi compatrioti come "Old Iron Boots", il colonnello Riker era al comando del 102° Fanteria New York durante la Marcia verso il mare di Sherman su Atlanta. Nel corso della campagna, il colonnello Riker fu ferito nella Battaglia di Pine Mountain, in Georgia, nel tardo giugno del 1864. Fu portato indietro dalla linea del fronte da un altro soldato che, nel 2372, si scoprì essere in realtà un Q. Senza le azioni di questo Q, non ci sarebbe stato nessun William T. Riker, cosa che avrebbe permesso ai Borg di assimilare la Federazione. (VOY: "Diritto di morte")
- Le Colonel Thaddius Riker était un soldat de l'armée de l'Union durant la guerre civile des Etats-Unis d'Amérique. Il fut un ancêtre lointain de Kyle et William T. Riker.
- Thaddius Riker was a human who lived on 19th century Earth. Thaddius served as a Colonel in the Union Army during the American Civil War. Thaddius was a distant ancestor of Kyle Riker, and Kyle's son Captain William T. Riker. Thaddius had the nickname of "Old Iron Boots." He commanded the 102nd New York Infantry during General William T. Sherman's March to the Sea campaign. William Riker possessed Thaddius Riker's diary, in which Thaddius had documented his experiences during the Civil War. (ST - The Lost Era novel: Deny Thy Father)
- thumb|Col. Thaddius Riker 1864, nach seiner Entlassung aus dem Krankenhaus Colonel Thaddius Riker ist ein Mensch des 19. Jahrhunderts. Sein Spitzname lautet Alter Eisenstiefel. Er ist ein entfernter Vorfahre von William Thomas Riker. Im Amerikanischen Bürgerkrieg ist er Kommandant der 102. New York, die 1864 unter General Sherman an dessen Marsch auf Atlanta teilnimmt in der Schlacht von Pine Mountain kämpft. In diesem Kampf wird Thaddius Riker an vorderster Frontlinie schwer verwundet. Ein anderer Soldat schleppt ihn von dort in Sicherheit, so dass er im Krankenhaus genesen kann.
- Colonel Thaddius Riker was a soldier in the Union Army during the American Civil War. He was a distant ancestor of Kyle, William T. Riker, and Thomas Riker. Known to his compatriots as "Old Iron Boots", Colonel Riker was in command of the 102nd New York Infantry during Sherman's March on Atlanta on Atlanta. Without the actions of Quinn, there would have been no William T. Riker, which would have allowed the Borg to assimilate the Federation. (VOY: "Death Wish")
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| - Thaddius Riker and Quinn.
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- Leader of the 102nd New York Infantry
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| - Thaddius Riker was a human who lived on 19th century Earth. Thaddius served as a Colonel in the Union Army during the American Civil War. Thaddius was a distant ancestor of Kyle Riker, and Kyle's son Captain William T. Riker. Thaddius had the nickname of "Old Iron Boots." He commanded the 102nd New York Infantry during General William T. Sherman's March to the Sea campaign. During the Battle of Pine Mountain, Georgia in late June 1864, Thaddius Riker was seriously injured. Thaddius was carried back from the front line by another soldier. Over 500 years later, in 2372, it was discovered that the soldier who carried Thaddius back from the front lines was Quinn, a member of the Q Continuum. It was further discovered that without this Q's assistance, Thaddius most likely would have died in the battle, and not have had any descendants. (VOY episode: "Death Wish") William Riker possessed Thaddius Riker's diary, in which Thaddius had documented his experiences during the Civil War. (ST - The Lost Era novel: Deny Thy Father) When Riker believed himself to be dying, he asked Quinn to deliver a message to his family. Quinn fulfilled the promise in 2371, to Riker's descendant William T. Riker. (TNG short story: "A Q to Swear By")
- Colonel Thaddius Riker was a soldier in the Union Army during the American Civil War. He was a distant ancestor of Kyle, William T. Riker, and Thomas Riker. Known to his compatriots as "Old Iron Boots", Colonel Riker was in command of the 102nd New York Infantry during Sherman's March on Atlanta on Atlanta. During the campaign, Colonel Riker was wounded at the Battle of Pine Mountain, Georgia, in late June 1864. He was carried back from the front line by another soldier who was actually discovered, in 2372, to be a Q who eventually referred to himself as "Quinn". They were photographed together shortly after this incident. Without the actions of Quinn, there would have been no William T. Riker, which would have allowed the Borg to assimilate the Federation. (VOY: "Death Wish")
- thumb|Col. Thaddius Riker 1864, nach seiner Entlassung aus dem Krankenhaus Colonel Thaddius Riker ist ein Mensch des 19. Jahrhunderts. Sein Spitzname lautet Alter Eisenstiefel. Er ist ein entfernter Vorfahre von William Thomas Riker. Im Amerikanischen Bürgerkrieg ist er Kommandant der 102. New York, die 1864 unter General Sherman an dessen Marsch auf Atlanta teilnimmt in der Schlacht von Pine Mountain kämpft. In diesem Kampf wird Thaddius Riker an vorderster Frontlinie schwer verwundet. Ein anderer Soldat schleppt ihn von dort in Sicherheit, so dass er im Krankenhaus genesen kann. 2372 lässt Q Commander Riker während eines Hearings an Bord der USS Voyager erscheinen und diese Geschichte erzählen. Dann offenbart er, dass der Soldat, dem Thaddius Riker seine Rettung verdankt, der Q Quinn ist, der zu dieser Zeit auf der Erde weilt. Ohne Quinns Tat würde es William Riker gar nicht geben. Q erzählt all dies, um zu zeigen, wie wertvoll Quinns Leben ist. (VOY: ) Im echten 102nd New York Infantry Regiment gab es keinen Col. Thaddius Riker, der Soldat auf dem Bild ist allerdings tatsächlich ein Mitglied dieses Regiments, nämlich Major L.R. Stegman. Neben ihm steht ein gewisser Lieutenant Donner, dessen Gesicht jedoch durch das von Gerrit Graham, dem Darsteller Quinns, ersetzt wurde.
- Noto ai suoi compatrioti come "Old Iron Boots", il colonnello Riker era al comando del 102° Fanteria New York durante la Marcia verso il mare di Sherman su Atlanta. Nel corso della campagna, il colonnello Riker fu ferito nella Battaglia di Pine Mountain, in Georgia, nel tardo giugno del 1864. Fu portato indietro dalla linea del fronte da un altro soldato che, nel 2372, si scoprì essere in realtà un Q. Senza le azioni di questo Q, non ci sarebbe stato nessun William T. Riker, cosa che avrebbe permesso ai Borg di assimilare la Federazione. (VOY: "Diritto di morte")
- Le Colonel Thaddius Riker était un soldat de l'armée de l'Union durant la guerre civile des Etats-Unis d'Amérique. Il fut un ancêtre lointain de Kyle et William T. Riker.
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