| - Glee does Dr. Horrible. More? Horrible Turn is a Fan Film, an amateur internet musical, based on Joss Whedon's pet project, Doctor Horribles Sing Along Blog. It's a Prequel to the original events, taking place in The Nineties, when Billy Buddy and Kenny Hammerstein were in high school, and what events transpired to make them who they are today.
| - Glee does Dr. Horrible. More? Horrible Turn is a Fan Film, an amateur internet musical, based on Joss Whedon's pet project, Doctor Horribles Sing Along Blog. It's a Prequel to the original events, taking place in The Nineties, when Billy Buddy and Kenny Hammerstein were in high school, and what events transpired to make them who they are today. Notable is that while made by a group that had no professional experience in film, a good chunk of the actors are in musical theater, giving them a MASSIVE edge over the other Youtube sendups. Also of note is that in following in its big brother's footsteps, it has gained quite a bit of press around the internet for boosting fan productions into the limelight, and has been recognized by Joss himself as "itsy kitschy glitzy," which could very well be a compliment. Maybe.