The Adventures of Fatjohn, Austin, Sean, & Parker is the second installment of Fatjohn Adventures. Fatjohn is the only returning main character. This installment marks the first and only appearance of Austin Blizz and the first appearances of Parker Stuart, Sean Williams, and Jett Royle.
Attributes | Values |
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| - The Adventures of Fatjohn, Austin, Sean, & Parker
| - The Adventures of Fatjohn, Austin, Sean, & Parker is the second installment of Fatjohn Adventures. Fatjohn is the only returning main character. This installment marks the first and only appearance of Austin Blizz and the first appearances of Parker Stuart, Sean Williams, and Jett Royle.
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Row 4 info
| - Fatjohn, Frederick, & James
Row 1 info
| - Summer 2005 in Dragoonasag
Row 4 title
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Row 2 info
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Row 1 title
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Row 5 info
| - Tennessee to New York to Salviana
Row 2 title
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Row 5 title
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Row 3 info
| - Austin Samalee as Austin Blizz
- Frouth Barr as store cashier
- Lizzie Trirday as Karla Matzlein
Row 3 title
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Box Title
| - Fatjohn Adventures installment
| - The Adventures of Fatjohn, Austin, Sean, & Parker is the second installment of Fatjohn Adventures. Fatjohn is the only returning main character. This installment marks the first and only appearance of Austin Blizz and the first appearances of Parker Stuart, Sean Williams, and Jett Royle.