| - Mahler ist ein Mensch des 21. Jahrhunderts. Er arbeitet im Unternehmen von Miss Kizlet und steht wie sie unter dem Einfluss der Großen Intelligenz. Kategorie:Doctor Who Personen Kategorie:Menschen (21. Jahrhundert) Kategorie:Einwohner von London
- Alexei believes that hockey is art! A soft rock soundtrack, players lying in pools of their own blood, broken sticks and fans crushed on ice, now that's what he calls a real masterpiece! But his art was never accepted and he ended up in jail. Released from prison by the All-Stars, Alexei now wants to resume his artistic career.
- Alexei is Viktor's right-hand man and is a violent character. He is known to torture his enemies, usually by extracting teeth, thus he is nicknamed "The Dentist". You also see Alexei put a lit cigarette to Eddie O'Connor's head in a cutscene from the mission, Monday. He was personally responsible for torturing John and Arthur to death, as well as ordering the torture and death of Jimmer Collins.
- Alexei is a skill trainer.
- Alexei is a taxi driver.
- __TOC__ Alexei Vasilyev is one of the last in the long Perestroika line, a family that held a fair amount of wealth in the northern areas of Brachland. His origins lie deep in murder and conspiracy. These are events that even into his adulthood, which is quite a long time for his species, he has yet to get over. One thing can be said about the young man, though. He isn't one to let another down. Much of his personality revolves around helping others and making sure they have what they need. Much of his time in his youth was spent caring for Anya, essentially his foster mother of sorts.
- Alexei, Graceful Ruler of Lightning (電撃のアレクセイ Dengeki no Arekusei; lit. Alexei of the Lightning Strike) was one of the Four Greater Fiends of Vazdah, Alexei's hatred for humankind knew no bounds. He took the city of New York in his evil grasp and waits perched atop the Statue of Liberty, challenging Ryu Hayabusa to come and face him.
- thumb|290px Alexei, el Gobernante Graceful del Rayo (電撃のアレクセイDengeki no Arekusei, Alexei de la huelga relámpago) y uno de los cinco demonios Mayor de Vazdah , Alexei odia a la humanidad por no conoce límites.
- Alexei was a cellmate of Vladimir and Anatoly Ranskahov during their time in Utkin Prison.
- Alexei was an Empyrean male living on planet Nova Empyrea. He was friends with Anna March in the year 2275. He was romantically involved with Eleni. (TOS novel: The Better Man)
- Alexei is one the Greater Fiends of the Archfiend, Vazdah, and a villain from Ninja Gaiden II.
- Alexei Griffin IV is a character in Might & Magic: Clash of Heroes.
- Alexei is the elder son of Piotr, the ruler of Bluegrad, but also the leader of the order of the Blue Warriors (written with the kanji 氷戦士, meaning Ice Warriors), and also the elder brother of a girl named Natassia. He and his Blue Warriors are introduced by Kurumada in vol.13 of his manga, in the short story arc he dedicated to Hyoga, Koori no Kuni no Natassia Hen (The Chapter of Natassia, from the Lands of Ice), thus, in the original series, they are manga-only.
- Tests on him revealed the extra limb is a massive genetic mutation incorporating bone, flesh and cartilage, but it does not appear to be parasitic and is actually symbiotic. It is also vaguely self-aware and can act on its own without Alexei's consent when he is scared; attacking any immediate threat with a radioactive tip. Alexei himself doesn't appear to be affected by the radiation. The limb is also very strong, as it could pull him across a ten-story building.