| - The chawix were small carnivorous-poisonous plants native to the planet Ansion. The lightweight, vinelike chawix occupied the gourds in the Ansionian mountains and used the constantly propelling winds to travel. These large bundles of "impossibly intertwined, ropelike branches" had many thorns (from fingernail to finger in length) which, in proximity to flesh, extended and filled their prey with a powerful nerve poison. The chawix would insert these thorns into their victims and inject the poison, killing an individual in minutes while turning its flesh to liquid. They then would feed by sucking their prey's bodily fluids into themselves through the thorns. In 22 BBY, while on a mission to settle a planetary border dispute and to convince all parties involved to resist all efforts at secession and to vote to remain within the Galactic Republic, a Jedi diplomatic team (that included Jedi Masters Luminara Unduli and Obi-Wan Kenobi and their Padawans) encountered a bounding morass of chawix as the Jedi searched for the Borokii, the ruling overclan of the Alwari tribes. To avoid all contact with the chawix, the Jedi, their suubatar mounts, and their accompanying Ansionian guides found quick shelter beneath the rocky overhangs of a narrow canyon that they were passing through. All watched in macabre fascination as the flying thorny weeds flew through "the seemingly innocuous gulch" and leeched onto a few unwary membibi, each of which met a quick but painful end. One of the Jedi's Alwari guides wished the same fate (but expanding the number of attacking chawix to twelve, to accommodate size) for his former employer, Soergg the Hutt.