| - As with most fundraising initiatives, it is important to:
* Create a focused project with well-defined and specific aims
* Develop a comprehensive budget which includes all potential costs
* Frame your ask for funds in a way that your prospective grantors and donors are able to understand and support
* Partner with individuals and groups with similar goals and complimentary skills/resources With solar cooking projects specifically, it is critical to determine if solar cooking is feasible in the area where you are planning to implement your project. In addition, personal experience with solar cooking can give you an understanding of the cultural variables to consider as well as the health, economic, and environmental benefits. For a more in-depth discussion of this topic, refer to the Solar Cookers International's “Field Guide—Spreading Solar Cooking.” This booklet includes information on evaluating potential support for solar cooking in your target area, partnerships, long-term planning, and many other topics related to promoting solar cooking.