| - In 60 or 61 whilst the lord Gaius Suetonius Paulinus was overrunning Anglesey in north Wales, Boudicca led the Iceni, along with the Trinovantes and others, in an uprising which fordid the former Trinovantes headtown and Roman settler town of Camulodunum (today's Colchester), and overcame the Roman Legio IX Hispana under Quintus Petillius Cerialis. Boudicca's wyemen then burnt to the ground the then twenty-year-old settler town of Londinium (today's London) and fordid Verulanium (today's St Alban's), killing about 70,000-80,000 folk. Roman caesar Nero thought for a short while anent withdrawing from the island, but in the end Boudicca was overcome at the Fight at Watling Street.
- Boudicca, Queen of the Iceni is presumed to of been disturbed by 2 Uni students who accidently stumbled on her grave in late 2007.
- Queen Boudicca of the Iceni was a Fianna of Roman Britain. In 61 C.E., she was publicly flogged by Roman legionnaires and forced to watch as her daughters are raped. She underwent her First Change and raised an army against the Romans, who were backed by the Wyrm. Despite victories against Rome, she was eventually defeated and committed suicide.
- Boudicca is a female gargoyle beast with the clan on Avalon.
- Boudicca is a minor character from Gargoyles. She is a female gargoyle beast with the clan on Avalon. She is voiced by Frank Welker.
- Boudicca was a robot that failed to qualify for Series 6 of Robot Wars. The robot's name came from the Celtic queen Boudicca, also known as Boadicea, who famously led a revolt against the Romans.
- Boudicca ist ein Mensch des 1. Jahrhunderts. Sie ist eine britannische Königin und Heerführerin. Irgendwann wird Boudicca von dem Computer Momus entführt und zu einem anderen Planeten gebracht. Momus möchte, dass Boudicca, sowie einige menschliche Herrscher und Denker, seinem Volk in ein neues Zeitalter verhelfen. Jedoch kann der Zehnte Doctor Momus überzeugen, diese Person wieder auf die Erde und in ihre Zeit zurückzubringen.(The Lonely Computer)
- Boudicca is a London based designer brand founded in 1997 by duo Zowie Broach and Brian Kirkby. Since 1997 they showing their pieces in art galleries and exhibition spaces until 2001, when Boudicca were invited by the British Fashion Council to present officially during London Fashion Week. In January 2007, Boudicca showed its first Haute Couture C ollection, after becoming the first independent British fashion house to be officially invited to become a guest member of the Chambre Syndicale de la Haute Couture, and did so to rave reviews. Boudicca are also the designers in residence at the London College of Fashion.
- Boudica's husband, Prasutagus, an Icenian king who had ruled as a nominally independent ally of Rome, left his kingdom jointly to his daughters and the Roman Emperor in his will. However, when he died his will was ignored, possibly because the Romans, unlike the Britons, did not recognise daughters as heirs. The kingdom was annexed as if conquered, Boudica was flogged (and her daughters raped), and Roman financiers called in their loans.
| - In 60 or 61 whilst the lord Gaius Suetonius Paulinus was overrunning Anglesey in north Wales, Boudicca led the Iceni, along with the Trinovantes and others, in an uprising which fordid the former Trinovantes headtown and Roman settler town of Camulodunum (today's Colchester), and overcame the Roman Legio IX Hispana under Quintus Petillius Cerialis. Boudicca's wyemen then burnt to the ground the then twenty-year-old settler town of Londinium (today's London) and fordid Verulanium (today's St Alban's), killing about 70,000-80,000 folk. Roman caesar Nero thought for a short while anent withdrawing from the island, but in the end Boudicca was overcome at the Fight at Watling Street.
- Boudicca, Queen of the Iceni is presumed to of been disturbed by 2 Uni students who accidently stumbled on her grave in late 2007.
- Queen Boudicca of the Iceni was a Fianna of Roman Britain. In 61 C.E., she was publicly flogged by Roman legionnaires and forced to watch as her daughters are raped. She underwent her First Change and raised an army against the Romans, who were backed by the Wyrm. Despite victories against Rome, she was eventually defeated and committed suicide.
- Boudicca is a female gargoyle beast with the clan on Avalon.
- Boudicca is a minor character from Gargoyles. She is a female gargoyle beast with the clan on Avalon. She is voiced by Frank Welker.
- Boudicca was a robot that failed to qualify for Series 6 of Robot Wars. The robot's name came from the Celtic queen Boudicca, also known as Boadicea, who famously led a revolt against the Romans.
- Boudicca ist ein Mensch des 1. Jahrhunderts. Sie ist eine britannische Königin und Heerführerin. Irgendwann wird Boudicca von dem Computer Momus entführt und zu einem anderen Planeten gebracht. Momus möchte, dass Boudicca, sowie einige menschliche Herrscher und Denker, seinem Volk in ein neues Zeitalter verhelfen. Jedoch kann der Zehnte Doctor Momus überzeugen, diese Person wieder auf die Erde und in ihre Zeit zurückzubringen.(The Lonely Computer)
- Boudica's husband, Prasutagus, an Icenian king who had ruled as a nominally independent ally of Rome, left his kingdom jointly to his daughters and the Roman Emperor in his will. However, when he died his will was ignored, possibly because the Romans, unlike the Britons, did not recognise daughters as heirs. The kingdom was annexed as if conquered, Boudica was flogged (and her daughters raped), and Roman financiers called in their loans. In AD 60 or 61, while the Roman governor, Gaius Suetonius Paulinus, was leading a campaign on the island of Anglesey in north Wales, Boudica led the Iceni, along with the Trinovantes and others, in revolt. They destroyed Camulodunum (Colchester), formerly the capital of the Trinovantes, but now a colonia (a settlement for discharged Roman soldiers) and the site of a temple to the former emperor Claudius, built and maintained at local expense, and routed a Roman legion, the IX Hispana, sent to relieve the settlement. On hearing the news of the revolt, Suetonius hurried to Londinium (London), the twenty-year-old commercial settlement which was the rebels' next target, but concluding he did not have the numbers to defend it, evacuated and abandoned it. It was burnt to the ground, as was Verulamium (St Albans). An estimated 70,000-80,000 people were killed in the three cities. Suetonius, meanwhile, regrouped his forces in the West Midlands, and despite being heavily outnumbered, defeated Boudica in the Battle of Watling Street. The crisis had led the emperor Nero to consider withdrawing all Roman forces from the island, but Suetonius's eventual victory over Boudica secured Roman control of the province.
- Boudicca is a London based designer brand founded in 1997 by duo Zowie Broach and Brian Kirkby. Since 1997 they showing their pieces in art galleries and exhibition spaces until 2001, when Boudicca were invited by the British Fashion Council to present officially during London Fashion Week. In January 2007, Boudicca showed its first Haute Couture C ollection, after becoming the first independent British fashion house to be officially invited to become a guest member of the Chambre Syndicale de la Haute Couture, and did so to rave reviews. Boudicca are also the designers in residence at the London College of Fashion.