Andrea Mitchell is a City of Heroes contact located in the New Thebes neighborhood of Talos Island at coordinates (640, 30, 6280). Andrea Mitchell is a Magic origin contact. Her level range is 20-24. __toc__
Andrea Mitchell is a City of Heroes contact located in the New Thebes neighborhood of Talos Island at coordinates (640, 30, 6280). Andrea Mitchell is a Magic origin contact. Her level range is 20-24. __toc__
Born October 30th, 1946, Andrea Mitchell is the Chief Foreign Affairs Correspondent for NBC. She is an alien who is married to Global Elite Member and former Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan. She is often invited to be on Bill O'Reilly's show as a punching bag when Bill becomes paranoid that NBC, MSNBC, CNBC and their parent companies are out to get him. She will not admit that she or anyone at NBC is a flaming liberal, so she deserves to be a punching bag on Papa Bear's show.
Andrea Mitchell is a City of Heroes contact located in the New Thebes neighborhood of Talos Island at coordinates (640, 30, 6280). Andrea Mitchell is a Magic origin contact. Her level range is 20-24. __toc__
Born October 30th, 1946, Andrea Mitchell is the Chief Foreign Affairs Correspondent for NBC. She is an alien who is married to Global Elite Member and former Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan. She is often invited to be on Bill O'Reilly's show as a punching bag when Bill becomes paranoid that NBC, MSNBC, CNBC and their parent companies are out to get him. She will not admit that she or anyone at NBC is a flaming liberal, so she deserves to be a punching bag on Papa Bear's show.