2007年12月、Entertainment WeeklyはMemory Alphaを11番目に良いサイトとして紹介しました。
* 参照:11th best fansite on the web. 11. Star Trek memory-alpha.org Launch Date November 2003 What You'll Find The wiki-based Memory Alpha is truly the final frontier when it comes to online Star Trek info. Fans can quickly scan (and even update) news and TV listings, read articles on Andorians and Krieger waves, and further their Starfleet knowledge via complete profiles of minor but memorable characters (Boothby!) and starships (USS Excelsior!).
2007年12月、Entertainment WeeklyはMemory Alphaを11番目に良いサイトとして紹介しました。
* 参照:11th best fansite on the web. 11. Star Trek memory-alpha.org Launch Date November 2003 What You'll Find The wiki-based Memory Alpha is truly the final frontier when it comes to online Star Trek info. Fans can quickly scan (and even update) news and TV listings, read articles on Andorians and Krieger waves, and further their Starfleet knowledge via complete profiles of minor but memorable characters (Boothby!) and starships (USS Excelsior!). Why It's Essential There are plenty of other Trek fansites floating out there in cyberspace, but Memory Alpha wins out for its handsome, intuitive presentation and its overwhelming mass – it even has copies of the old Trek newspaper comic strip from the early 1980s.