| - Jack: Tyler! Tyler: Hey Jack. This is my friend, Jon. Jon, this is Jack. Jon: Hey. Jack: So you’re back now Tyler? Tyler: Yep. Well for a while, I’m going to travel around Kanto next. Jack: I see. Tyler: Do you know if my dad is home? Jack: David was meant to be back last night but he wasn’t. Jon: What happened? Jack: We don’t know. Jon: Who are you? Majuro: I’m Majuro. This town is ours. Go! Jon: Flamethrower and Thunderbolt! Tyler: Charizard, I need your help! Majuro: You think you can stop us. Tyler: I know we can. Flamethrower! Majuro: Ice Shard! Majuro: Dark Pulse! Jon: Thunderbolt! Majuro: Well trained. Tyler: Argh. They will have my dad. Jon: We’ll get David back, don’t worry. Tyler: Charizard. Jon: Quilava and Pikachu, thank you for your help. Jack: Until Charizard returns, we can only wait. Tyler: I don’t like waiting. Jon: I know, but until Charizard returns, we won’t know where the ninja’s are or Majuro. Tyler: I know. Tyler: You found the ninja’s Charizard? Tyler: Please show us. Jon: Let David go! David: Tyler, Jon and Jack. Tyler: Let my dad go! Majuro: Not yet. Go! Tyler: I’ve got the Weavile. Jon, you beat the Sneasel and Jack, free my dad. Jack: Right. Jon: Meganium and Rhyperior, I need your help! Tyler: Charizard, Flamethrower! Jon: Meganium, Solar Beam and Rhyperior Rock Wrecker! Majuro: Surprising. Jon: We have David Tyler. Tyler: This won’t be over till Majuro has been defeated. Majuro: True, but I have two Weavile and you only have one Pokemon. Tyler: Jon, do you mind helping? Jon: Sure. Tyler: But use Pikachu. Jon: Okay. Pikachu go! Tyler: Thanks. Jon: No problem. Majuro: Dark Pulse. Jon: Thunderbolt! Tyler: Ice Punch! Jon: Iron Tail! Majuro: Ice Shard! Jon: That done more than I thought. Tyler: Aqua Tail! Majuro: Ice Beam! Majuro: Quick, use Giga Impact. Jon: Pikachu! Majuro: Pikachu done well, taking both Giga Impacts. Now single Dark Pulse! Jack: Jon! Pikachu: Pika, Pikachu Pika Pika! Jon: Then use Iron Tail! Tyler: Thanks Pikachu. Now, Brick Break! Majuro: Dark Pulse and Giga Impact. Majuro: Feraligatr is weak like Pikachu and your entire town. Pikachu: Pika, Pikachu! Pi Pikachu Pika Pikachu! Pika Pika! Majuro: Begging for me to end this battle now? Jon: Nope. Majuro: Ice Shard! Jack: What is happening? Jon: When Pikachu gets angry, it sparks. David: Increasing the power. Majuro: That will not help. Double Giga Impact! Jon: Show them you mean business. Thunderbolt! Jon: Electro Ball! Tyler: Now leave! Majuro: I will still attack your town. Jack: No you won’t. David: Otherwise I will tell Officer Jenny. Tyler: Thanks Jon. Jon: We have each other’s back. Tyler: Shame you’re leaving in the morning. Jon: Yeah. Jon: This journey was fun Tyler. Tyler: It was. And thanks for helping me stop Majuro. Jon: Anytime. Have a good time travelling Kanto. Jack: Where will you be travelling then? Jon: I want to learn more about Mega Evolution. David: Kalos was the first Region to find out about Mega Evolution. Jon: Then Kalos is where I’ll go to. Good luck Tyler. Jon: To think Hoenn is where I was born. Jon: Ah! Oldale Town is far away. Jon: Fearow, I need your help. Jon: Do you mind flying with me to Oldale Town? I’ll navigate you. Otherwise it would take a few more days to get home.