| - Shadow Warrior on kuollut soturi joka kummittelee Legendojen Killassa. Niillä on suuri Hitpoints level verrattuna niiden Combat leveliin. Ne pudottavat erittäin usein erilaisia Charmeja. Ne voivat pudottaa myös Dragon spearin, tai palasen Dragon sq shieldiä. Shadow Warriorilla on kädessään sotakirves.
- After completion of Legends' Quest, Shadow warriors are also a slayer task given by Chaeldar and Vannaka. These monsters don't appear on the mini map. Shadow warriors appear to be wielding battleaxes, but they attack at the same speed as scimitars. Killing a Shadow warrior is a hard Ardougne task.
- Es un alien desbloqueado en el crossover Curryent 10 Las Sombras del Poder Superomnitrix
- These are the melee fighters of the Shadow Army of Menzies. They are capable of causing major mayhem if they get past the tanks and close to the spellcasters.
- Insali - Later known as Shadow Warrior is the main protagonist of Spellforce: Breath of the winter campaign, and a Main character in both game series. Spellforce, and Spellforce 2. He appears or is mentioned in every title, excluding The Order of Dawn. In Spellforce 2 Faith in Destiny Shadow Warrior is one of playable companions.
- This week, Zero Punctuation reviews Shadow Warrior.
- Shadow Warrior ist ein Ego-Shooter von 3D Realms für die Betriebssysteme MS-DOS und Mac OS. Das Computerspiel wurde 1997 veröffentlicht und ähnelt dem einige Monate zuvor von 3D Realms veröffentlichten Duke Nukem 3D. Beide Spiele verwenden die Engine mit dem Namen Build, bei Shadow Warrior wurden jedoch einige Erweiterungen wie zum Beispiel Voxel-Objekte, transparente Wasseroberflächen und vom Spieler steuerbare Fahrzeuge eingebaut. Der Quelltext des Spieles wurde am 1. April 2005 unter der Lizenz GNU GPL veröffentlicht. Der Spielinhalt wurde davon jedoch ausgeschlossen und bleibt im Besitz von 3D Realms.
- Shadow Warrior is an Assassin Skill in Diablo II.
- Shadow Warriors are monsters that are only found within the Legends' Guild basement. They are commonly killed by high level players because they sometimes drop the left half dragon square shield.
- Shadow Warrior (Cień wojownika), to odcinek serialu animowanego Wojny Klonów (2008-2014).
- - Filamar ο Swift, Shadow Warrior της Nagarythe Όταν η Nagarythe διασπάστηκε από εμφύλιο πόλεμο, τα περισσότερα από τα Elves εκεί, πήραν το μέρος του Βασιλιά Μάγου (Witch King), γίνοντας αργότερα Dark Elves. Αυτοί που ήταν πιστοί στον Phoenix King ορκίστηκαν να πολεμήσουν τον Malekith και τις προδότριες δυνάμεις του. Αυτα τα φανατικά-ένδοξα Elves γίναν Σκιεροί Πολεμιστές (Shadow Warriors). Τα πιό σκοτεινά, απαίσια και βίαια High Elves. Οι Shadow Warriors είναι άρχοντες της ενέδρας και του αντάρτικου πολέμου. Χτυπάνε γρήγορα και αθόρυβα με θανατηφόρα εύστοχα βέλη από τα μακρυά τους τόξα, πριν εμφανιστούν ξαφνικά μπροστά για να σφάξουν τους επιζήσαντες με τα σπαθιά τους.
- Shadow Warrior es el cuarto episodio de la cuarta temporada de la serie televisiva The Clone Wars. Fue transmitido el 30 de septiembre de 2011
- The shadow warrior is a powerful creature. It appears to be a silhouette of an elven male. It can be encountered multiple times. The first would be within Sundermount's cave in a fight with two corpses and two shades. Another Warrior is fought, together with an Arcane Horror, next to the altar on Sundermount. The third, atop Sundermount, can be fought, in addition to many shades, by touching the barrier protecting a cave.
- Tall Shadow could not reach the ground. "Help! Help!" She cried. Maybe they think I`m a bad leader. She thought worriedly. Soon, a body was supporting her. "Juniper Branch?" She asked. A she-cat popped up. "Wade while I push you out," she mewed.
- "Shadow Warrior" is the fourth episode of the Star Wars: The Clone Wars television series' fourth season. It aired on September 30, 2011.
- A Shadow warrior is a deceased knight, back from the plane of death. However, they are not considered undead, so the salve amulet has no effect on them. These monsters don't appear on the mini map. Shadow warriors appear to be wielding battleaxes, but they attack at the same speed as scimitars. After completion of Legends' Quest, Shadow warriors are a possible Slayer assignment from Chaeldar and Vannaka.
- A Shadow warrior is a deceased knight, found in the basement of the Legends' Guild. They are not considered undead, however, so the salve amulet has no effect on them. They drop crimson charms frequently and Guthan's set is effective against them. They will not work as a substitute for other shadow creatures when assigned by a slayer master. After completion of Legends' Quest, Shadow warriors are also a slayer task given by Chaeldar and Vannaka. Shadow warriors appear to be wielding battleaxes, but they attack at the same speed as scimitars. Killing a Shadow warrior is a hard Ardougne task.