Tamar was a male inhabitant of Beta III in the 23rd century. In 2267, the USS Enterprise landing party met him at Reger's house, when they retreated there to escape the mayhem of the Festival. A grandfatherly figure, Tamar attempted to calm the irascible Hacom, who felt the strangers belonged in the Festival. His gentle comment suggesting that the lawgivers were all-knowing was taken for mockery by Hacom, who became further enraged, and fled the house. Later, Hacom returned with lawgivers, to whom he had reported the conversation. They evidently took Hacom's accusations seriously, for they murdered Tamar. The landing party later learned from Reger that he was part of an underground that was organized in threes, and that Tamar was his contact. With Tamar's death, Reger was isolated from the
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| - Tamar (Beta III)
- Tamar (Beta III)
| - Tamar was a male inhabitant of Beta III in the 23rd century. In 2267, the USS Enterprise landing party met him at Reger's house, when they retreated there to escape the mayhem of the Festival. A grandfatherly figure, Tamar attempted to calm the irascible Hacom, who felt the strangers belonged in the Festival. His gentle comment suggesting that the lawgivers were all-knowing was taken for mockery by Hacom, who became further enraged, and fled the house. Later, Hacom returned with lawgivers, to whom he had reported the conversation. They evidently took Hacom's accusations seriously, for they murdered Tamar. The landing party later learned from Reger that he was part of an underground that was organized in threes, and that Tamar was his contact. With Tamar's death, Reger was isolated from the
- Tamar fu un cittadino di Beta III nel 2267. La squadra di sbarco della USS Enterprise lo incontrò a casa di Reger, quando detta squadra vi cercò rifugio dal caos del Festival. Una figura anziana rassicurante, Tamar cercò di calmare l'irascibile Hacom, il quale sentì che gli stranieri non facevano parte del Festival. Il suo commento gentile circa il fatto che i legislatori fossero onniscenti venne scambiato quale derisione da Hacom, il quale si irritò ancora di più, e lasciò la casa. In seguito, Hacom tornò con i legislatori, ai quali aveva riferito la conversazione. Essi presero le accuse di Hacom sul serio, ed uccisero Tamar. La squadra di sbarco venne in seguito a sapere da Reger che questi faceva parte di un'organizzazione segreta organizzata in tre cellule, e che Tamar era il suo conta
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| - Tamar fu un cittadino di Beta III nel 2267. La squadra di sbarco della USS Enterprise lo incontrò a casa di Reger, quando detta squadra vi cercò rifugio dal caos del Festival. Una figura anziana rassicurante, Tamar cercò di calmare l'irascibile Hacom, il quale sentì che gli stranieri non facevano parte del Festival. Il suo commento gentile circa il fatto che i legislatori fossero onniscenti venne scambiato quale derisione da Hacom, il quale si irritò ancora di più, e lasciò la casa. In seguito, Hacom tornò con i legislatori, ai quali aveva riferito la conversazione. Essi presero le accuse di Hacom sul serio, ed uccisero Tamar. La squadra di sbarco venne in seguito a sapere da Reger che questi faceva parte di un'organizzazione segreta organizzata in tre cellule, e che Tamar era il suo contatto. Con la morte di Tamar, Reger fu isolato dal terzo uomo nella propria cellula. (TOS: "Il ritorno degli Arconti") Categoria:Nativi di Beta III
- Tamar was a male inhabitant of Beta III in the 23rd century. In 2267, the USS Enterprise landing party met him at Reger's house, when they retreated there to escape the mayhem of the Festival. A grandfatherly figure, Tamar attempted to calm the irascible Hacom, who felt the strangers belonged in the Festival. His gentle comment suggesting that the lawgivers were all-knowing was taken for mockery by Hacom, who became further enraged, and fled the house. Later, Hacom returned with lawgivers, to whom he had reported the conversation. They evidently took Hacom's accusations seriously, for they murdered Tamar. The landing party later learned from Reger that he was part of an underground that was organized in threes, and that Tamar was his contact. With Tamar's death, Reger was isolated from the third man in his cell. (TOS: "The Return of the Archons" ) Tamar was portrayed by Jon Lormer.