| - An escort in second life is a person who provides personal pornography for linden dollars or other forms of payment. In general escorts are categorized by the type of services they provide.
* Cyber escorts do animations and text through chat or IM.
* Vox or voice escorts provide voice either through an external program such as Skype, or through second life voice.
* Webcam or "cam" escorts provide visual shows of their rl. Most escorts have female avatars, though how many of these are played by men is a matter of open speculation and a great deal of debate. Many areas ban escorting, or freelancing. A number of well known residents were, or were rumored to be, escorts before being famous. Including Ten Book and Anshe Chung. Many large builds are devoted to escorting or use availability of escorts as a means of generating traffic, including The Red Light District, Ami's Place, Escort Island, The Escort Alliance. Many strip clubs advertise escorting services,whether or not that is the main focus of the venue, including The Bishes Club, Bad Girls and Club Arsheba. There are also dedicated services that can help you find the escort that matches your desire without the need for visiting sleeze crowded places filled with adboards like the Elysian Fields Agency. (See also Pole dancing)
- This class of ship was originally meant to be included in SWBFII but later cut out due to size issues. Two of these ships where later added in the two handheld console games Star Wars: Battlefront Renegade Squadron and Star Wars: Battlefront Elite Squadron, the B-Wing and the TIE Defender.
- The following is a list of escorts in the game.