| - Originally born Kalen Sura on Hapes Prime, the young Hapan found it rather difficult to adjust to the societal hierarchies that had been in place for millenia. Hapan society is a matriarchy. Male members of the society are considered to be second class citizens, having less worth than a female. Kalen, much like his father, Malcolm Sura, struggled to accept this belief. With the Consortium's agents and various bounty hunters close in pursuit, Kalen set a course for Tatooine as the planet had a reputation for harboring the galaxy's fugitives...
| - Originally born Kalen Sura on Hapes Prime, the young Hapan found it rather difficult to adjust to the societal hierarchies that had been in place for millenia. Hapan society is a matriarchy. Male members of the society are considered to be second class citizens, having less worth than a female. Kalen, much like his father, Malcolm Sura, struggled to accept this belief. Malcolm Sura was an expert fencing instructor to the Royal family on Hapes Prime. During his youth, Kalen would accompany his father and assist him with his duties as needed. Rumor has it that Kalen even once met a younger female of the Royal family. Though it is unclear what transpired between the two, the young man's path would be changed forever on that day. As societies rise and topple, so do prominent citizens and ideas. When Kalen was in his teens, his father, having always struggled to accept a subservient role, organized a relatively insignifcant uprising against the Hapan government. The uprising, however, was short lived as several of its organizers, including Malcolm Sura, were apprehended, tried and executed for their crimes. Doomed to a life of social stigma and deeply affected by the execution of his father, Kalen decided that it was time to leave Hapes Prime in search of a better life. A few years after the demise of his father, the young man crafted a brilliant plan to steal a Miy'til starfighter from the Royal Navy and use it to make his escape. Though his plan ended up being successful, Kalen was forced to destroy several other Miy'til starfighters that were dispatched to apprehend him. As a result of his escape, an arrest warrant was issued by the Consortium for him. With the Consortium's agents and various bounty hunters close in pursuit, Kalen set a course for Tatooine as the planet had a reputation for harboring the galaxy's fugitives...