| - Count Rorret was born in the year 1101, but he somehow managed to cheat death, returning to the land of the living with vast new powers, that he developed over time. His mission in the world of the living was to kill anyone he deemed too good or beautiful. He hates goodness and warmth. Other people he killed in order to make them his allies in the underworld. For several centuries, Count Rorret was imprisoned in a tomb beneath the Minnerville Castle, bound within a casket with a hood over his head so that he could not see. However, he eventually managed to escape this prison.
- The man who would become the Black Tarantula was born in Madrid, Spain, before the Chrell Invasion. While he was not the son of the Black Tarantula, he was the son of a higher up in the Black Tarantula's organization. As Carlos LaMuerto's son had passed away, before the Invasion, the Black Tarantula offered to adopt the boy and make him his son. For Edgar's actual father, there was no higher honor, and he agreed, giving up his son, while knowing that his son would take over the whole organization. Edgar was taught from a young age, to always follow the Black Tarantula's carefully constructed code of honor. At the same time, he was taught how to be ruthless, dangerous, and a cold blooded killer. He killed his first man at the age of six, with his bare hands. After his first kill, Edgar cont
- Name: Black Tarantula [Carlos LaMuerto] Prawdziwe imię i nazwisko: Carlos LaMuerto Poprzednie pseudonimy: Deadless One Uniwersum: 616 Tożsamość: Powszechnie znana Wzrost: 213 cm Waga: 131,5 kg Kolor włosów: Czarne Kolor oczu: Piwne Zajęcie/zawód: Agent Hand Klasa postaci: Nadczłowiek Status prawny: Notowany, poszukiwany Stan cywilny: Rozwiedziony Narodowość: Argentyńczyk Miejsce narodzin: Argentyna Znani krewni: Marina Chaches (była żona), Fabian LaMuerto (syn), Luis LaMuerto (kuzyn, nie żyje), nieznany z imienia ojciec, dziadek i długa linia przodków noszących wcześniej miano Black Tarantuli Powiązania z grupami: Nowy Jork
| - Name: Black Tarantula [Carlos LaMuerto] Prawdziwe imię i nazwisko: Carlos LaMuerto Poprzednie pseudonimy: Deadless One Uniwersum: 616 Tożsamość: Powszechnie znana Wzrost: 213 cm Waga: 131,5 kg Kolor włosów: Czarne Kolor oczu: Piwne Zajęcie/zawód: Agent Hand Klasa postaci: Nadczłowiek Status prawny: Notowany, poszukiwany Stan cywilny: Rozwiedziony Narodowość: Argentyńczyk Miejsce narodzin: Argentyna Znani krewni: Marina Chaches (była żona), Fabian LaMuerto (syn), Luis LaMuerto (kuzyn, nie żyje), nieznany z imienia ojciec, dziadek i długa linia przodków noszących wcześniej miano Black Tarantuli Powiązania z grupami: Własna organizacja przestępcza, Hand, mafijna rodzina LaMuerto, gang z Argentyny, więźniowie Ryker’s Island, Chesbro, True Believers, Roxxon, Nelson & Murdock Baza operacyjna: Nowy Jork Pierwsze pojawienie się: The Amazing Spider-Man #419
- The man who would become the Black Tarantula was born in Madrid, Spain, before the Chrell Invasion. While he was not the son of the Black Tarantula, he was the son of a higher up in the Black Tarantula's organization. As Carlos LaMuerto's son had passed away, before the Invasion, the Black Tarantula offered to adopt the boy and make him his son. For Edgar's actual father, there was no higher honor, and he agreed, giving up his son, while knowing that his son would take over the whole organization. Edgar was taught from a young age, to always follow the Black Tarantula's carefully constructed code of honor. At the same time, he was taught how to be ruthless, dangerous, and a cold blooded killer. He killed his first man at the age of six, with his bare hands. After his first kill, Edgar continued to learn and grow and by the time he was fifteen, he had been molded into a proper heir for the original Black Tarantula. Educated at various institutions around Europe and Russia, most of this was done under false identities and assumed names. Edgar also spent time in China and Thailand, before officially taking over the Black Tarantula's organization, roughly fifteen years after the Chrell Invasion.
- Count Rorret was born in the year 1101, but he somehow managed to cheat death, returning to the land of the living with vast new powers, that he developed over time. His mission in the world of the living was to kill anyone he deemed too good or beautiful. He hates goodness and warmth. Other people he killed in order to make them his allies in the underworld. For several centuries, Count Rorret was imprisoned in a tomb beneath the Minnerville Castle, bound within a casket with a hood over his head so that he could not see. However, he eventually managed to escape this prison.