| - The line of succession to the Luthori Throne is a list of the people in line to succeed to the throne of the Holy Luthori Empire. The succession is regulated by the Tripartite Agreement between Luthori, Alduria and Hulstria; which limits it to the heirs of St Richard the Lionheart, as determined by male-preference primogeniture, religion, and legitimate birth:
* A person is always immediately followed in the succession by his or her own legitimate descendants (his or her "line") except for any legitimate descendants who already appear higher in the line of succession. Birth order and gender matter: older sons (and their lines) come before younger sons (and theirs); a person's sons (and their lines), irrespective of age, all come before his or her daughters (and their lines).
* The monarch must be a Protestant at time of accession, and enter into communion with the The Luthori Church after accession.
* Anyone who is Catholic, becomes Catholic, or marries a Catholic is permanently excluded from the succession.
* A person born to parents who are not married to each other at the time of birth is not included in the line of succession. The subsequent marriage of the parents does not alter this. By the provisions of the Tripartite Agreement, the line of succession in each of the Realms joined in dynastic union is legally separate from that in the Holy Luthori Empire. Apart from identifying the next monarch, the line of succession is also used to select the Counsellors of State (and a regent if the need arises) under the provisions of the Regency Act.