| - Duman, Sr. is the father of Jean-Pierre Duman. A regional governor of Haiti, the elder Duman, according to Sam Axe, "damn near turned corruption into an art form." His son, Jean-Pierre, became notorious as the administrator of the region's prison, where dissidents who spoke out against the Dumans' rule were imprisoned and often tortured to death.
| - Duman, Sr. is the father of Jean-Pierre Duman. A regional governor of Haiti, the elder Duman, according to Sam Axe, "damn near turned corruption into an art form." His son, Jean-Pierre, became notorious as the administrator of the region's prison, where dissidents who spoke out against the Dumans' rule were imprisoned and often tortured to death. When an election ousted Duman, Sr. from office, he and his family fled the island with "most of the island's GNP" (gross national product). Duman, Sr., lived reclusively at a heavily-guarded mansion on Star Island, in Miami, Florida. He was so secretive that authorities in the U.S. believed he had died. Jean-Pierre was eventually kidnapped by Michael Westen, Sam Axe, and Fiona Glenanne, he produced a list of U.S. officials who had taken bribes from Flintridge Industries, a multinational corporation with whom the Dumans had done a lot of business. After Jean-Pierre was returned to Haiti to stand trial, Sam passed the list on to F.B.I. Agents Lane and Harris, suggesting that it might lead them to enough evidence to indict Duman, Sr. as well.