BTR Productions, also known as Back to Reality Productions, produce several audio drama series, most famously their Doctor Who series that has been going since 1998. To date, they have made 3 audio series and are currently releasing their fan film, Vanishing Point. The production group was founded by several fans located in Brisbane, Australia, namely Matthew Kopelke and Witold Tietze. The series has had a large gap since its last production, but has resumed releases as of August 2010.
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| - BTR Productions, also known as Back to Reality Productions, produce several audio drama series, most famously their Doctor Who series that has been going since 1998. To date, they have made 3 audio series and are currently releasing their fan film, Vanishing Point. The production group was founded by several fans located in Brisbane, Australia, namely Matthew Kopelke and Witold Tietze. The series has had a large gap since its last production, but has resumed releases as of August 2010.
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| - BTR Productions, also known as Back to Reality Productions, produce several audio drama series, most famously their Doctor Who series that has been going since 1998. To date, they have made 3 audio series and are currently releasing their fan film, Vanishing Point. The production group was founded by several fans located in Brisbane, Australia, namely Matthew Kopelke and Witold Tietze. The series has had a large gap since its last production, but has resumed releases as of August 2010.