| - Ottau was a Human male who worked for the Republic Strategic Information Service during the Cold War against the Sith Empire. In 3643 BBY, General Var Suthra tasked Ottau with tracing a transmission from the Sith Lord Darth Angral, which Ottau tracked to a secret Imperial listening post on the planet Ord Mantell. Ottau then passed on his reconnaissance to a Jedi Knight sent by Suthra, and the Jedi attacked the listening post, recovering valuable data.
- Nae Nuuv was a Sullustan male who was the Padawan of Jedi Master Jaric Kaedan during the Cold War between the Galactic Republic and the Sith Empire. When the subsequent Galactic War broke out between the two powers, Nuuv underwent the Jedi Trials, and his first assignment as a Jedi Knight in 3641 BBY was to aid the Republic Military in the ongoing battle on the planet Corellia.
- Fau-Kes was a Cathar male agent in the Republic Strategic Information Service, the intelligence branch of the Galactic Republic, during the Cold War against the Sith Empire. Fau-Kes was one of several SIS agents sent to the planet Taris to help a young Jedi Knight locate the missing scientist Nasan Godera. Although the agents were unable to locate Godera or the Jedi in the field, the Knight was successful in retrieving the doctor, and Fau-Kes escorted Godera back to the Republic's capital of Coruscant.
- Yelzrin was a Human male colonist who led a settlement on the planet Taris during the Cold War between the Galactic Republic and the Sith Empire. In 3643 BBY, the Sith assassin Rora Seake was sent to wipe out the colony. Fortunately for Yelzrin and the other colonists, a young Jedi Knight learned of Seake's mission and intercepted the assassin before she could kill the colonists, defeating the assassin and saving the settlers' lives.
- In 3643 BBY, during the Sith Lord Darth Angral's personal war against the Galactic Republic amid the Cold War between the Republic and the Sith Empire, a number of Mark II Power Guards—advanced cybernetically-augmented supersoldiers—attacked a safe house on the moon Nar Shaddaa. The safe house belonged to the Republic Strategic Information Service, and the Power Guards had been sent by the Sith Lord Sadic, who had tortured the location of the safe house out of SIS Agent Galen. The Power Guards killed several agents, but the arrival of a young Jedi Knight only minutes into the attack saved the lives of the remaining agents, as the Knight dispatched the Power Guards.
- Enaq was an Evocii male who lived as a refugee on the moon Nar Shaddaa during the Cold War between the Galactic Republic and the Sith Empire. Enaq befriended a young Human girl named Kira Carsen, but he and his fellow refugees suffered when Carsen's defense of her friends gave the group a formidable reputation, turning away potential aid.
- Rora Seake was a Sith pureblood female who served as an assassin for the Sith Empire during the Cold War with the Galactic Republic. Known as a master of beasts, Seake kept two massive creatures known as jurgorans as her pets and controlled them in combat. In 3643 BBY, she was sent to the planet Taris to wipe out a small Republic colony, but the secrecy of her mission was compromised, and a young Jedi Knight defended the colony against Seake, killing both her and her pets.
- Shafu was a Rodian male who made a career as a slaver in the years before the Great Galactic War between the Galactic Republic and the Sith Empire. However, the Jedi Master Ven Zallow tracked down Shafu and convinced him to change his ways, leading the Rodian to become Zallow's undercover agent in the criminal underworld. Near the end of the Great Galactic War, Shafu's investigations into a network of Imperial spies led to his death when his sabotaged starship exploded over the moon Nar Shaddaa.