| - The Great Galactic War was a major conflict before the events of Star Wars: The Old Republic, three-hundred years after the events of Knights of the Old Republic and immediately before the events of the Cold War. The Sith Empire achieved many major victories over the Galactic Republic, but the final coup de grâce was the Sacking of Coruscant. Holding the planet ransom, the Sith forced the Republic to surrender twelve planetary systems to them if it wants their capital world back.
- The Great Galactic War otherwise known as the Great Galactic Conflict, was a full–scale, galaxy&bdash;spanning conflict between the Republic and Jedi Order against the Sith and their followers, collectively known as the Barbarians. The war can be traced back to the Coo-Neo Crisis and the death of a Sith minion. The war lasted until at least 17 BBY, when the Sith attacked Coruscant and the detonation of Saladeen's Ring, a Sith weapon, over Christophsis occurred concurrently.
- The Great Galactic War was your average run-of-the-mill galactic conflict that involved the Galactic Republic and Sith Empire waging war against each other. The general premise of this war is that the Galactic Republic was invaded by the Sith for the cliché reason of revenge against the Jedi, but wait, with a twist that only the genius mind of M. Night Shyamalan could come up with, the Sith actually won in the end... wait, the Sith winning something has actually occurred before in Star Wars? This isn't the first time the Republic has found themselves screwed over by the Sith? Oh... well, I guess there really is nothing special about this war. Though it should be noted that this war has inspired Bioware to create a new MMORPG based in the Star Wars universe, causing mass joy amongst the fan