The Green Party of Washington State is the state party organization for Washington of the Green Party of the United States. The Green Party has gone from one local in 1999 to nearly 10 affiliated locals in 2007. Additionally, the Green Party has members, organizers, and locals in formation throughout the State.
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| - Green Party of Washington State
| - The Green Party of Washington State is the state party organization for Washington of the Green Party of the United States. The Green Party has gone from one local in 1999 to nearly 10 affiliated locals in 2007. Additionally, the Green Party has members, organizers, and locals in formation throughout the State.
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| - The Green Party of Washington State is the state party organization for Washington of the Green Party of the United States. The Green Party has gone from one local in 1999 to nearly 10 affiliated locals in 2007. Additionally, the Green Party has members, organizers, and locals in formation throughout the State. In the 2008 elections, four Green Party candidates have qualified for the August 19 primary - Duff Badgley for governor, Gary Morrell for U.S. Congress (6th C.D.), Christopher Winter for State Representative (9th Legislative District, Position 2), and Howard Pellet (40th Legislative District, Position 2). In the 2006 elections Aaron Dixon a former captain of the Seattle chapter of the Black Panther Party drew national attention to the party with his run for the United States Senate. Dixon challenged incumbent Democrat Maria Cantwell on her continued support for the U.S. presence in Iraq and the USA PATRIOT Act.