Deko Neimoidia was one of many worlds colonized by the Neimoidians early during the Old Republic era, joining the Galactic Republic sometime between 25,000 BBY and 22,000 BBY. The wealthiest and most resource-rich colony worlds were known as "purse worlds" that served as administrative posts ruling their own set of colonies. These purse worlds were the only colonies allowed to carry the name of Neimoidia. During the Clone Wars, it was a key member of the Confederacy of Independent Systems and was defended by the Neimoidian Home Defense Legions.
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- Deko Neimoidia
- Deko Neimoidia
- Deko Neimoidia
- Deko Neimoidia
- Deko Neimoidia
| - [Source] Deko Neimoidia est une planète des Colonies. Elle fut choisie par les Neimoidiens originaire de Neimoidia pour s'y installer comme Cato Neimoidia et Koru Neimoidia.
- A Deko Neimoidia egyike volt azoknak a "pénztárca világoknak", amit a neimoidiai faj alapított a Cato Neimoidia és a Koru Neimoidia mellett. A bolygót a Klón Háborúk során elfoglalta a Galaktikus Köztársaság.
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- Deko Neimoidia wurde während der Klonkriege von der Republik eingenommen. Die Republik nutzte die Erkenntnisse, die während der Schlacht gemacht wurden, um sie bei der Eroberung von Cato Neimoidia wieder einzusetzen. Denn der Planet ähnelte in fast sämtlichen Aspekten Cato Neimoidia. Kategorie:Planeten Kategorie:Planeten der Kolonien
- Fue capturado por la República durante las Guerras Clon. Los elementos de las fuerzas Republicanas contaban con Alas de Combate Aéreo 22, comandos clon del Equipo Ion, y con el Caballero Jedi Roan Shryne.
- Deko Neimoidia era uno dei pianeti portafoglio fondati dai Neimoidiani, insieme a Cato Neimoidia e Koru Neimoidia. Deko Neimoidia fu uno dei molti mondi colonizzati dai Neimoidiani durante l'Era della Vecchia Repubblica, unendosi alla Repubblica Galattica tra il 25.000 BBY e il 22.000 BBY. Durante le Guerre dei Cloni fu un membro chiave della Confederazione dei Sistemi Indipendenti e venne difeso dalle Legioni di Difesa Neimoidiane.
- Deko Neimoidia was one of many worlds colonized by the Neimoidians early during the Old Republic era, joining the Galactic Republic sometime between 25,000 BBY and 22,000 BBY. The wealthiest and most resource-rich colony worlds were known as "purse worlds" that served as administrative posts ruling their own set of colonies. These purse worlds were the only colonies allowed to carry the name of Neimoidia. During the Clone Wars, it was a key member of the Confederacy of Independent Systems and was defended by the Neimoidian Home Defense Legions.
- Deko Neimoidia was one of the purse worlds founded by the Neimoidian race, along with Cato Neimoidia and Koru Neimoidia. Deko Neimoidia was one of many worlds colonized by the Neimoidians early during the Old Republic era, joining the Galactic Republic sometime between 25,000 BBY and 22,000 BBY. The wealthiest and most resource-rich colony worlds were known as "purse worlds" that served as administrative posts ruling their own set of colonies. These purse worlds were the only colonies allowed to carry the name of Neimoidia.
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| - *Círculo Interno Neimoidiano
*Federación de Comercio
*Confederación de Sistemas Independientes
*República Galáctica
*Imperio Galáctico
*Nueva República
*Federación Galáctica de Alianzas Libres
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| - *Cerchio Interno Neimoidiano
*Repubblica Galattica
*Federazione dei Mercanti
*Confederazione dei Sistemi Indipendenti
*Impero Galattico
*Nuova Repubblica
*Alleanza Galattica
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| - *Handelsföderation
*Galaktische Republik
*Konföderation unabhängiger Systeme
*Galaktisches Imperium
*Neue Republik
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