| - The Ebon Hand is a one-handed mace crafted by blacksmiths. The mace holds a darkness inside which it occasionally unleashes on its victims.
- The Ebon Hand lived in the swamp of Ferris in Avauntnell. The Erathians had decided that the cult wasn't enough of a threat to justify the time and expense to mount a campaign against them. Sandro sent Crag Hack to acquire the Rib Cage of Power from them, telling him that it had been kept in a sanctuary, but that the necromancers had burned the place to the ground and stolen the artifact. Arriving in the area, Crag Hack sent a messenger to the necromancers, telling them to give up the Rib Cage, or he would crush their bones to dust, "just as surely as you burned that Sanctuary to ashes."
| - The Ebon Hand lived in the swamp of Ferris in Avauntnell. The Erathians had decided that the cult wasn't enough of a threat to justify the time and expense to mount a campaign against them. Sandro sent Crag Hack to acquire the Rib Cage of Power from them, telling him that it had been kept in a sanctuary, but that the necromancers had burned the place to the ground and stolen the artifact. Arriving in the area, Crag Hack sent a messenger to the necromancers, telling them to give up the Rib Cage, or he would crush their bones to dust, "just as surely as you burned that Sanctuary to ashes." When the messenger returned, he was bruised, bloody, and maimed, but seemingly still alive. The necromancers wrote that they knew nothing about a sanctuary, but that Crag Hack was already dead - he just didn't know it yet. As he shoved the note back into the messenger's hand, the hand fell off, and he realized that the man had been turned into a zombie. Crag Hack beheaded him with a quick stroke of his axe, and began to search for the Rib Cage. The Ebon Hand barricaded themselves in their main castle, and the barbarian was unable to reach them. But while battling the liches outside, he eventually located the Rib Cage and brought it back to Sandro.
- The Ebon Hand is a one-handed mace crafted by blacksmiths. The mace holds a darkness inside which it occasionally unleashes on its victims.