| - While receiving few strikes on Doomsday, Oregon fared little better than other states. While two of the strikes were low yield bombs targeted at isolated military facilities at Adair Air Force Station and Mt Hebo, the largest urban center of the state, Portland, received a direct hit. With the Portland Metro area containing two thirds of the entire Oregon state population, this despicable act was in fact what saved much of the remaining population having a much smaller population to feed. Following the strikes the Oregon state government called on the National guard to aid in keeping order. With Portland hit, it was only a matter of time before swaths of refugees would begin heading southward to the unaffected areas of the state, and the Governor aimed to ensure his state survived. When refugees began pouring in to Salem the National Guard began herding them towards refugee camps set up near Aumsville and Silverton. As these camps filled and more survivors arrived, the National Guard began pulling from local police forces as well as volunteer militia in order to keep up. While relative order was kept for the first few weeks, as people in the camps began to succumb to wounds and radiation sickness unrest grew and the state government began pulling more National Guard reserves from the southern Oregon towns, as well as some local police from the same communities. With little law enforcement, dwindling resources, and a growing refugee population from those not wanting to settle in the camps near Salem, the southern townships began to devolve and unwilling to redirect resources from what was considered a much more important. Left to themselves many of the southern towns began fortifying themselves from the refugee mobs and the small gangs that had begun to rove the area with the lack of law enforcement.