| - I got the idea when I read The Blood of Olympus for the umpteenth time, and voila! There's a bit of Heroes of Olympus involved, so there will be spoilers for the series. If I'm not allowed to do this kinda crossover-thingie-majeger-bob, tell me and I'll change it Credit goes to Erin Hunter and Rick Riordan. c: Please do not kill me. Read at your own risk. And I may throw in your own OC characters in some chapters. However, I can't tell you your fate, but just leave a comment with your name and description, and I might throw you into the story~! main characters for this story, m'kay~?
| - I got the idea when I read The Blood of Olympus for the umpteenth time, and voila! There's a bit of Heroes of Olympus involved, so there will be spoilers for the series. If I'm not allowed to do this kinda crossover-thingie-majeger-bob, tell me and I'll change it Credit goes to Erin Hunter and Rick Riordan. c: Please do not kill me. Read at your own risk. And I may throw in your own OC characters in some chapters. However, I can't tell you your fate, but just leave a comment with your name and description, and I might throw you into the story~! Dedicated to my best Warriors-Fanfic-Online friends, Firey and Vee, along with most of my real-life friends. main characters for this story, m'kay~? Nights- Extremely dark gray tabby she-cat with black marbled stripes, short cropped fur, silver ear-tips and tail-tip, and fire-like amber eyes. White- Snow-white she-cat with long legs, black stripes and brown patches only on back, a long, thin, feathery tail, and bright-blue eyes. Sea- Silvery-blue tabby-and-white she-cat with a small frame, white-striped tail, and crystal-blue eyes. Minty- Pale gray tabby she-cat with darker stripes, a white blaze running down her forehead, white ears and tail-tip, and notable mint-green eyes with gold flecks. Dew- Pale silver tabby she-cat with white stripes and sharp-green eyes. Briar- Pretty dark tortoiseshell with white chest, paws, and tail, along with a bushy tail and clear, sky-blue eyes. Amber- Pale golden-brown she-cat with short tail and fur, white ears and paws, along with clear amber eyes. Firey- Fire-like ginger tabby she-cat with white marbled stripes, a white-striped tail, white underbelly, chest, and tail-tip, along with flaring amber eyes. Silver- Spotted silver tabby-and-white with a mark on her head, black tail-tip, dark tail stripes, and emerald-green eyes.