| - Of course, we've always had indirect contact with our god through the Shanir. Oracles, maledights, berserkers… […] But the first time the God-voice spoke was on this world, just after the Fall. The Arrin-ken had made Glendar Highlord in place of his brother Gerridon, Master of Knorth. The priests dissented. They claimed that all the lords had failed in their duty by letting such a disaster happen and that we should start afresh on Rathillien, as a hierocracy. […] [T]he Voice, which spoke for the first time through the High Priest to denounce his ambitions, destroying him in the process. The College thinks that since this world's temples were never finished, the god-power found a different channel—one that, for a time, actually listened and gave judgments wrapped in riddles, which the Arrin-ken tried to solve.
| - The God-voice is where a Kencyr priest is possessed and another speaks through him. The name refers to the belief that these utterances come directly from the Kencyr God, but Jame discovers in Seeker's Mask that they may also be sent by the Arrin-ken. Kindrie tells Jame that the God-voice has only ever spoken on Rathillien. The first instance was shortly after the Kencyrath's arrival on the world, when the priests dissented from the Arrin-ken's choice of Glendar as Highlord. They claimed that since the Lords had failed in their duty and that the Kencyrath should be remade as a heirocracy. The God-voice spoke through the High Priest to denounce this, destroying him in the process. The Priests' College believes, says Kindrie, that since the Kencyr temples were unfinished on Rathillien, their God had to find another way to communicate. Further God-voice incidents occurred, mostly speaking in riddles which had to be solved by the Arrin-ken. Finally, there came one that they could not solve: "Fear the One, await the Three, seek the Four." The Arrin-ken departed from the rest of the Kencyrath to solve this riddle, and never returned. Neither did the Voice, until Jame asked for a judgment from her God in the Temple in Tai-tastigon. It spoke through him then, to call Jame "Champion, fratricide, Tyr-Ridan", and again when Jame denounced him, driving him well and truly insane. The God-voice spoke for a final time, so far, through Ishtier in the Priests' College; but this time it was definitely the voice of the Arrin-ken.