Time Gal, is an animated interactive movie video game (similar to Dragon's Lair) with anime drawings by Toei Animation. It was first released as an early laser-disc arcade title in 1985 by Taito in Japan only. The best known version of the game and the only one that was released in North America and Europe, was the Sega Mega-CD version, published by Renovation Products, Telenet's North American subsidiary. A conversion for the PlayStation was also developed and released by Telenet Japan's subsidiary Wolfteam) as part of a double bill with Ninja Hayate, another animated laserdisc arcade game conversion made by Taito (the package was released as "Time Gal and Ninja Hayate").
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| - Time Gal, is an animated interactive movie video game (similar to Dragon's Lair) with anime drawings by Toei Animation. It was first released as an early laser-disc arcade title in 1985 by Taito in Japan only. The best known version of the game and the only one that was released in North America and Europe, was the Sega Mega-CD version, published by Renovation Products, Telenet's North American subsidiary. A conversion for the PlayStation was also developed and released by Telenet Japan's subsidiary Wolfteam) as part of a double bill with Ninja Hayate, another animated laserdisc arcade game conversion made by Taito (the package was released as "Time Gal and Ninja Hayate").
- Time Gal ist ein qualitativ miserables Spiel für die SEGA CD Konsole, die James Rolfe in seinem Video SEGA CD vorstellt. Das Spiel ist so schlecht, da man weniger spielt und mehr Cutscenes anschauen muss. Es ist ein Adventure Game, wie jedes Spiel für SEGA CD.
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| - Animated Interactive Movie
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| - Arcade, Sega Mega-CD, Pioneer LaserActive, Playstation
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| - Time Gal, is an animated interactive movie video game (similar to Dragon's Lair) with anime drawings by Toei Animation. It was first released as an early laser-disc arcade title in 1985 by Taito in Japan only. The best known version of the game and the only one that was released in North America and Europe, was the Sega Mega-CD version, published by Renovation Products, Telenet's North American subsidiary. A conversion for the PlayStation was also developed and released by Telenet Japan's subsidiary Wolfteam) as part of a double bill with Ninja Hayate, another animated laserdisc arcade game conversion made by Taito (the package was released as "Time Gal and Ninja Hayate").
- Time Gal ist ein qualitativ miserables Spiel für die SEGA CD Konsole, die James Rolfe in seinem Video SEGA CD vorstellt. Das Spiel ist so schlecht, da man weniger spielt und mehr Cutscenes anschauen muss. Es ist ein Adventure Game, wie jedes Spiel für SEGA CD.