| - Maxime "Jodo Kast" Robbe was a Belgian player in the Star Wars Combine, and was CO of the Imperial Core War College circa Year 3. While serving in the Imperial Core, Kast held the rank of Commandant General.
- [Source] Jodo Kast était un chasseur de primes mandalorien. Il est mort en l'an 5 ap.BY sur Nal Hutta.
- Jodo Kast was a person, who was, at some point in galactic history, killed by Boba Fett with a nerve toxin and an explosion caused by Kast's jetpack.
- Jodo Kast oli Kapinaliiton SpecOps:n jäsen, joka ryhtyi palkkionmetsästäjäksi galaktisen sisällissodan aikaan. Pukeutuen paranneltuun mandalorialaisten haarniskaan, Kastia usein luultiin Boba Fettiksi, mitä hän hyödynsi aina mahdollisuuden tullen. Hän arvosti krediittejä enämmän kuin lojaalisuutta ja täten työskenteli Imperiumille, Mustalle Auringolle, Uudelle tasavalle tai kenelle tahansa, joka maksaisi hänelle.
- Jodo Kast empezó su carrera profesional como agente de operaciones especiales para una joven Alianza Rebelde que aún se encargaba únicamente de asuntos locales. Ya entonces, los conocidos de Kast mencionan que era un mercenario que no valoraba los ideales políticos de la justicia y la libertad, o al menos no más que el dinero efectivo.
- Jodo Kast was a member of Alliance SpecOps who became a bounty hunter in the time of the Galactic Civil War. Kast wore Mandalorian armor similar to Boba Fett's, while he was not a Mandalorian himself. After the famed bounty hunter Boba Fett's fall into the Sarlacc pit, Kast even re-painted his armor to look almost identical to Fett's, in order to gain notoriety and demand larger payments. Valuing credits over ideals and loyalties, Kast worked for the Empire, Black Sun, the New Republic, or anyone who would pay him.