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- Gmail
- Gmail
- Gmail
- GMail
- Gmail
- Gmail
- Gmail
| - Gmail eh er zerbizio de email gratuito de Google. Ofreze 2giga de ehpazio pa loh email. Eh una nueba perhpehtiba en lo ke a email gratuitoh de web ze refiere.
- Сборка часто задаваемых вопросов и ответов на эти вопросы.
- See w:c:google:Category:Gmail
- Gmail is Google's approach to email. <default>Gmail</default> Creator Release Date Type Operating Systems Price Homepage
- google mail
- You can use the box below to create new pages on this wiki. Make sure you type [[Category:Gmail]] on the page before you save it to make it part of the Gmail wiki. Gmail (SU group page | SU comments page // [ group wiki pages]) This is a stub entry for a wiki page associated with a SU group. Please customize this web page by replacing the stub, {{Stub group}}, with improved content!
- Gmail, Googles nye mailtjeneste. Men hva ligger i bokstaven "G"? Gaymail. Gaybilder, Gaygrupper, Gayearth, Gaytalk,Gaysport, Gayvideo.. Gay, Gay, og atter Gay google gay. GayGoogle som ikke har nokk av Gay ting. GayGoogle skal gjøre internett til Gay
- Gmail is Google's approach to email. It also provide services to Mirada Mail and Virgin Media Mail.
- GMail is an email system that enables a user to recieve files, create spreadsheets, create calendars and other organizers, and link email to a plethora of other applications, based on need. All information can also be shared with other users.
- 服務是Gmail最好提共的,google.
- Gmail is a free, advertising-supported webmail, POP3, and IMAP service provided by Google.
- Gmail(ジーメール)はGoogleが開発し、2004年4月1日に開始されたフリーメールサービス。大容量のストレージ領域とAjax技術に基づいた拡張的なインターフェイスで知られる。WebメールとPOP3・SMTP、IMAPに対応し、メール転送も可能である。商標などの関係から、イギリスやドイツでは名称がGoogle Mailとなっている。Gmailの競合サービスにはMSNのHotmailやYahoo!メールなどがある。 サービス開始当初は招待制だったが2006年8月に米国、インドネシアなど一部の国ではSMSで認証し登録できるシステムを採用。オーストラリア、ニュージーランド、日本では2006年8月23日に招待制からサインアップ制へ移行した。
- Ahoy Good Citizens! I am confident your friends of refined character have shamelessly abashed you with GMail or GNU Mail facts. No? GMail is a gentle and jovial executeable afrodesiac hand crafted to give you asynchronous communication ecstacy. Impossibly easy to understand; unfathomably simple to use, picking GMail is the smart decision that will help catalyze a spiritual awakening. I certainly need not, but must, as a formality, remind you that any other mail reader, if it ever were to exist and it certainly does not, but if it were to exist, would not hold a candle to GMail and certainly be neither properly equipped nor suited for your needs. Truly, it may be malicious software authored by rogue software engineers who are fanatically jelous of the freedom and prosperity that you and I h
- Gmail е безплатна услуга за уеб-базирана, POP и IMAP електронна поща на Google Inc., която в момента е все още в процес на разработка и бета-тест. В Германия и Великобритания услугата е известна като Google Mail. Въпреки, че Gmail е все още в процес на разработка и "бета тест" (първата версия стартира на 1 април 2004), достъпът до услугата бе отворен за всички на 7 февруари 2007
- Need to get caught up on your Gmail? Try Gmail for mobile. Keep your conversations going and get to any message you want - anywhere you are - for free.
* Try our faster UI and fly through your email
* Quickly search and find what you need in your email
* Compose and read your email offline Features:
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| - Gmail eh er zerbizio de email gratuito de Google. Ofreze 2giga de ehpazio pa loh email. Eh una nueba perhpehtiba en lo ke a email gratuitoh de web ze refiere.
- Сборка часто задаваемых вопросов и ответов на эти вопросы.
- Gmail е безплатна услуга за уеб-базирана, POP и IMAP електронна поща на Google Inc., която в момента е все още в процес на разработка и бета-тест. В Германия и Великобритания услугата е известна като Google Mail. Въпреки, че Gmail е все още в процес на разработка и "бета тест" (първата версия стартира на 1 април 2004), достъпът до услугата бе отворен за всички на 7 февруари 2007 Услугата е известна с това, че предлага над 6 (и постоянно увеличаващи се) гигабайта пространство (увеличени от първоначалния обем от 1 гигабайт). Тази промяна беше обявена на 1 април 2005 като част от отпразнуването на първия рожден ден на Gmail. Увеличението беше съпроводено и от уверението, че Google ще продължават постоянно да увеличават обема на пощенските кутии. Gmail използва всички нововъведения при уеб браузърите, като JavaScript и клавиатурни комбинации, които позволяват по-лесно управление, като в същото време запазва предимствата на уеб-базирано приложение. Gmail предлага и "Класически HTML изглед", който позволява достъп на потребителите от почти всеки компютър, дори и такива, които използват по-стари браузъри. Скоро след пускането на услугата бяха повдигнати критики относно политиката на Gmail за защита на личните данни. Много от критиките са извлечени от изречения от тази политика, която посочва, че Gmail ще съхранява всички съобщения за "известно време", дори и онези, които са били изтрити или след премахване на съществуващата потребителска сметка и че Gmail ще разпространява личната информация (в това число и текста на съобщенията) ако това е "с добри намерения. [1]
- See w:c:google:Category:Gmail
- Gmail is Google's approach to email. <default>Gmail</default> Creator Release Date Type Operating Systems Price Homepage
- google mail
- You can use the box below to create new pages on this wiki. Make sure you type [[Category:Gmail]] on the page before you save it to make it part of the Gmail wiki. Gmail (SU group page | SU comments page // [ group wiki pages]) This is a stub entry for a wiki page associated with a SU group. Please customize this web page by replacing the stub, {{Stub group}}, with improved content!
- Need to get caught up on your Gmail? Try Gmail for mobile. Keep your conversations going and get to any message you want - anywhere you are - for free.
* Try our faster UI and fly through your email
* Quickly search and find what you need in your email
* Compose and read your email offline Features:
* Basic offline.New! Compose and read your most recent email even when you're on the subway or plane.
* Multiple accounts.New! Quickly switch between your Google Apps email and Gmail from the same client.
* Multiple Mobile Drafts.New! Jot your thoughts down, finish and send later.
* Shortcut keys.New! Undo, scroll up and down, archive, delete, refresh at the push of a button. See Menu/Help in the app.
* Language Support.New! Gmail for mobile 2.0 is available in over 35 languages.
* Message autorefresh. Gmail delivers messages to your inbox without you having to refresh the browser.
* Address autocomplete. Gmail helps you complete an address – you only need to type out the first few letters of your contact.
* View attachments. Open attachments you receive in messages, including photos, Microsoft Word™ documents, and PDF files.
* Gmail goodness. Spam filtering, search, labels, filters, stars, and lots of space.
* BlackBerry email client. You can also use BIS to sync your Gmail with the BlackBerry email client. Check your carrier portal or learn to set it up here.
- Ahoy Good Citizens! I am confident your friends of refined character have shamelessly abashed you with GMail or GNU Mail facts. No? GMail is a gentle and jovial executeable afrodesiac hand crafted to give you asynchronous communication ecstacy. Impossibly easy to understand; unfathomably simple to use, picking GMail is the smart decision that will help catalyze a spiritual awakening. I certainly need not, but must, as a formality, remind you that any other mail reader, if it ever were to exist and it certainly does not, but if it were to exist, would not hold a candle to GMail and certainly be neither properly equipped nor suited for your needs. Truly, it may be malicious software authored by rogue software engineers who are fanatically jelous of the freedom and prosperity that you and I have come to expect. If it ever is to exist, gaze upon it with dirty looks of suspicion. But do not gaze into it too long as you might turn to stone. It has been shown that it is best to refuse, by whatever means necessary comrade, preferably with effective violence, to use a machine that doesn't have GMail running and displayed on screen. This machine is worthless to you and the cause. Remember that highly quality people of your caliber and integrity deserve only the best this world has to offer.
- Gmail, Googles nye mailtjeneste. Men hva ligger i bokstaven "G"? Gaymail. Gaybilder, Gaygrupper, Gayearth, Gaytalk,Gaysport, Gayvideo.. Gay, Gay, og atter Gay google gay. GayGoogle som ikke har nokk av Gay ting. GayGoogle skal gjøre internett til Gay
- Gmail is Google's approach to email. It also provide services to Mirada Mail and Virgin Media Mail.
- GMail is an email system that enables a user to recieve files, create spreadsheets, create calendars and other organizers, and link email to a plethora of other applications, based on need. All information can also be shared with other users.
- 服務是Gmail最好提共的,google.
- Gmail is a free, advertising-supported webmail, POP3, and IMAP service provided by Google.
- Gmail(ジーメール)はGoogleが開発し、2004年4月1日に開始されたフリーメールサービス。大容量のストレージ領域とAjax技術に基づいた拡張的なインターフェイスで知られる。WebメールとPOP3・SMTP、IMAPに対応し、メール転送も可能である。商標などの関係から、イギリスやドイツでは名称がGoogle Mailとなっている。Gmailの競合サービスにはMSNのHotmailやYahoo!メールなどがある。 サービス開始当初は招待制だったが2006年8月に米国、インドネシアなど一部の国ではSMSで認証し登録できるシステムを採用。オーストラリア、ニュージーランド、日本では2006年8月23日に招待制からサインアップ制へ移行した。