| - When Humanity first left its' home planet, it dreamed of meeting alien civilizations, though those who believed in the possibility were far fewer than those that did not. However, none would have expected what was discovered: the Covenant were powerful beyond belief, deriving their technology through the recycling and imitation of their predecessors' technology, that of the Forerunners. Without a doubt, the Forerunners were powerful in their prime, capable of defeating lesser or equal races with little effort: the ancient alliance of Humans and San'Shyuum fell to them with little issue, and the Flood only overpowered the Forerunners through their early carelessness and the Flood's overwhelming numbers.
| - When Humanity first left its' home planet, it dreamed of meeting alien civilizations, though those who believed in the possibility were far fewer than those that did not. However, none would have expected what was discovered: the Covenant were powerful beyond belief, deriving their technology through the recycling and imitation of their predecessors' technology, that of the Forerunners. Without a doubt, the Forerunners were powerful in their prime, capable of defeating lesser or equal races with little effort: the ancient alliance of Humans and San'Shyuum fell to them with little issue, and the Flood only overpowered the Forerunners through their early carelessness and the Flood's overwhelming numbers. But before even these giants of the universe, there was another race, one powerful and ancient enough that they were worshiped as gods by the Forerunners themselves. These were the Precursors. Forming a civilization three-quarters of a million years ago, the Precursors would continue to advance themselves throughout the millenia that followed, growing ever more powerful as they did. Expanding across the stars, the Precursors would leave marks unlike any others across the galaxy, both with their military power and their scientific achievements. The Precursors fall was a complicated series of failures: the war with the Elders, the rise of insurrections, the advent of the Hydra, and then the swift blow of the overpowered Forerunner soldiers all served to toppled the complacent and aged Precursor Sovereign Dominion. The Precursors, despite large debates over their course of action, at last vanished: like a whisper on the wind, they disappeared in one move, taking with them all but a few, strategically chosen artifacts. The exact circumstances of their departure are unknown, as are the means of their disappearance: some have suggested they traveled to other galaxies, some say they simply committed a mass genocide, while other theories state they broke through to different dimensions or that they reached spiritual transcendence. Whatever the means, the Precursors left this galaxy to their successors, seeking to allow their conquerors a chance to make a better world.