| - Sauerkraut - hapankaali. Myös saksalaisten haukkumanimi.
* katso myös - Kraut
- Sauerkraut (pronounced /ˈsaʊrkraʊt/ in English; German pronunciation: [ˈzaʊ.ɐkʁaʊt] ( listen), Yiddish: [ˈzɔi̯.əʀ.kʀɔi̯t]) is finely shredded cabbage that has been fermented by various lactic acid bacteria, including Leuconostoc, Lactobacillus, and Pediococcus. It has a long shelf-life and a distinctive sour flavor, both of which result from the lactic acid that forms when the bacteria ferment the sugars in the cabbage. It is therefore not to be confused with coleslaw, which receives its acidic taste from vinegar.
- Sauerkraut was a food from Earth. In 1957, Johnnies Market in Carbon Creek sold homemade sauerkraut. (ENT: "Carbon Creek") Roy Ritterhouse claimed he had had extra sauerkraut on his franks the night before when the writers of Incredible Tales complained about a drawing he had made of a bug-eyed monster climbing a building. (DS9: "Far Beyond the Stars")
- Sauerkraut ist eine Speise der Erde. Als in Benjamin Siskos Vision über Benny Russell Kritik an der Zeichnung Flitterwochen auf Andoras aufkommt, schiebt Roy Ritterhouse dies auf seinen Sauerkrautkonsum bei Nacht. (DS9: )
- Victory Cabbage (sauerkraut) is a smelly thing that you can use to flavour stuff, poison it or just give it a face lift. One of my favorite treats, although my parents can't stand the stuff. It was derived from an ancient Chinese practice of pickling cabbage, which got carried to Germany through the Huns, but unlike the Koreans, the German art of sauerkraut never advanced to the level of kimchi. Sauerkraut is made by taking away a German's toys.
- Sauerkraut is finely shredded cabbage that has been fermented by various lactic acid bacteria, including Leuconostoc, Lactobacillus, and Pediococcus. It has a long shelf-life and a distinctive sour flavor, both of which result from the lactic acid that forms when the bacteria ferment the sugars in the cabbage. It is therefore not to be confused with coleslaw, which receives its acidic taste from vinegar.
- Sauerkraut - deutsches Nationalgericht. das Sauerkraut oder die Sau ergraut Es wird tatsächlich nur dazu benutzt, um in der Speiseröhre hängengebliebene Fischgräten in den Magen zu befördern. Der typische Sauerkrautesser wohnt in einem Fachwerkhaus, trägt Lederhosen und jodelt den ganzen Tag. Nebenbei ist er noch bester und zuverlässigster Ingenieur der Welt, hat Geld ohne Ende und fährt Mercedes. Der Geschmack wird wesentlich vom Zubereiter beeinflusst (also z. B. ein Restaurant, die Mutter, die Frau, die Oma oder die Schulkantine). Der pH-Wert kann dabei von 0 bis 14 variieren.
| - Sauerkraut - deutsches Nationalgericht. das Sauerkraut oder die Sau ergraut Es wird tatsächlich nur dazu benutzt, um in der Speiseröhre hängengebliebene Fischgräten in den Magen zu befördern. Der typische Sauerkrautesser wohnt in einem Fachwerkhaus, trägt Lederhosen und jodelt den ganzen Tag. Nebenbei ist er noch bester und zuverlässigster Ingenieur der Welt, hat Geld ohne Ende und fährt Mercedes. Das Sauerkraut ist eigentlich ein gewöhnliches Kraut, dass erst durch seinen ständigen Aufenthalt in Deutschland sauer wird, was man natürlich verstehen kann. Wildes Sauerkraut findet man heute nur noch selten, da es fast bis zur Ausrottung gejagt wurde. Heute wird meist das geschmacksfreie Industriesauerkraut verwendet, welches vor allem in Dosen vorkommt. Kenner lieben den typischen, toxischen Geruch und gerechten Preis von unter 10 Cent pro Tonne. Der Geschmack wird wesentlich vom Zubereiter beeinflusst (also z. B. ein Restaurant, die Mutter, die Frau, die Oma oder die Schulkantine). Der pH-Wert kann dabei von 0 bis 14 variieren.
- Sauerkraut - hapankaali. Myös saksalaisten haukkumanimi.
* katso myös - Kraut
- Victory Cabbage (sauerkraut) is a smelly thing that you can use to flavour stuff, poison it or just give it a face lift. One of my favorite treats, although my parents can't stand the stuff. It was derived from an ancient Chinese practice of pickling cabbage, which got carried to Germany through the Huns, but unlike the Koreans, the German art of sauerkraut never advanced to the level of kimchi. Sauerkraut is made by taking away a German's toys. Sauerkraut also has many practical applications in the country of Russia, where it is used as an insulant and a warning system. However, such usage decreased in the 2nd century, and continues to fall up until this very day. If you stand in front of a mirror at midnight and say the word sauerkraut three times in a row, a fine specimen of kraut will materialize itself in your hair.
- Sauerkraut (pronounced /ˈsaʊrkraʊt/ in English; German pronunciation: [ˈzaʊ.ɐkʁaʊt] ( listen), Yiddish: [ˈzɔi̯.əʀ.kʀɔi̯t]) is finely shredded cabbage that has been fermented by various lactic acid bacteria, including Leuconostoc, Lactobacillus, and Pediococcus. It has a long shelf-life and a distinctive sour flavor, both of which result from the lactic acid that forms when the bacteria ferment the sugars in the cabbage. It is therefore not to be confused with coleslaw, which receives its acidic taste from vinegar.
- Sauerkraut was a food from Earth. In 1957, Johnnies Market in Carbon Creek sold homemade sauerkraut. (ENT: "Carbon Creek") Roy Ritterhouse claimed he had had extra sauerkraut on his franks the night before when the writers of Incredible Tales complained about a drawing he had made of a bug-eyed monster climbing a building. (DS9: "Far Beyond the Stars")
- Sauerkraut ist eine Speise der Erde. Als in Benjamin Siskos Vision über Benny Russell Kritik an der Zeichnung Flitterwochen auf Andoras aufkommt, schiebt Roy Ritterhouse dies auf seinen Sauerkrautkonsum bei Nacht. (DS9: )
- Sauerkraut is finely shredded cabbage that has been fermented by various lactic acid bacteria, including Leuconostoc, Lactobacillus, and Pediococcus. It has a long shelf-life and a distinctive sour flavor, both of which result from the lactic acid that forms when the bacteria ferment the sugars in the cabbage. It is therefore not to be confused with coleslaw, which receives its acidic taste from vinegar. The word comes directly from the German language, which literally translates to "sour cabbage". Sauerkraut is traditional in German, Austrian, Slovenian, Croatian (kiseli kupus), Slovak (kyslá kapusta), Polish (kiszona kapusta), Czech (kysané zelí), Dutch (zuurkool), Estonian (hapukapsas), Latvian (skābi kāposti), Lithuanian (rauginti kopūstai), Danish and Norwegian (surkål), Romanian (varza murata), Serbian, Bulgarian (кисело зеле kiselo zele), Russian (квашеная капуста), Ukrainian, Hungarian (savanyú káposzta), and Belarusian cuisines. It is also part of the native cuisine of Friuli-Venezia Giulia and Trentino (capuzi garbi and crauti) in Northern Italy, and Alsace Lorraine in North Eastern France (choucroute). Finally, it is also popular in many parts of Northeast and Northern China, the USA, Chile (chucrut), and Canada.