The Mata Nui Online Game, known during its first release as the Mata Nui Adventure Game, was the first online game on A point-and-click adventure game made in Flash, it featured the Matoran Takua as the main character as he traveled across Mata Nui, witnessing (and sometimes even influencing) such important events such as the coming of the Toa, the first battle against Makuta, and the awakening of the Bohrok. It was very popular, and served as a means of experiencing the world and culture of Mata Nui firsthand. An offline version was made available for download on March 2006-February 2009.
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- Mata Nui Online Game
- Mata Nui Online Game
- Mata Nui Online Game
| - Das Mata Nui Online Game ist ein Rollenspiel, dass 2001 erschinen ist
- Mata Nui Online Game to gra w której wcielasz się w Matoranina Takuę. Jest tam dziewięć poziomów. Atrakcją jest zebranie kompani kronikarza i Bitwa o Kini-Nui.
- Das meiste des Spiels kann als offizieller Teil der Geschichte angesehen werden. Dies trifft jedoch nicht auf jedes Detail zu.
- Mata Nui Online Game (suomeksi "Mata Nui -verkkopeli") on vuonna 2001 julkaistu verkkopeli, jossa seikkaillaan Mata Nuin saarella. Sen nimi oli alunperin Mata Nui Adventure Game (suomeksi "Mata Nuin seikkailupeli"). Mata Nui Online Game lyhennetään usein muotoon MNOLG tai MNOG.
- The Mata Nui Online Game, known during its first release as the Mata Nui Adventure Game, was the first online game on A point-and-click adventure game made in Flash, it featured the Matoran Takua as the main character as he traveled across Mata Nui, witnessing (and sometimes even influencing) such important events such as the coming of the Toa, the first battle against Makuta, and the awakening of the Bohrok. It was very popular, and served as a means of experiencing the world and culture of Mata Nui firsthand. An offline version was made available for download on March 2006-February 2009.
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| - Ladattavan version aloitusruutu
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| - Mata Nui Online Game (suomeksi "Mata Nui -verkkopeli") on vuonna 2001 julkaistu verkkopeli, jossa seikkaillaan Mata Nuin saarella. Sen nimi oli alunperin Mata Nui Adventure Game (suomeksi "Mata Nuin seikkailupeli"). Mata Nui Online Game lyhennetään usein muotoon MNOLG tai MNOG. Mata Nui Online Game on ensimmäinen virallinen BIONICLE-aiheinen verkkopeli. Sen tarkoitus oli esitellä BIONICLE-saagaa potentiaalisille faneille. Peli poistettiin vuonna 2004, mutta se palasi ladattavana versiona 2006. Se poistettiin jälleen vuonna 2009, mutta on silti ladattavana lukuisilla muilla sivustoilla.
- The Mata Nui Online Game, known during its first release as the Mata Nui Adventure Game, was the first online game on A point-and-click adventure game made in Flash, it featured the Matoran Takua as the main character as he traveled across Mata Nui, witnessing (and sometimes even influencing) such important events such as the coming of the Toa, the first battle against Makuta, and the awakening of the Bohrok. It was very popular, and served as a means of experiencing the world and culture of Mata Nui firsthand. An offline version was made available for download on March 2006-February 2009. A sequel was made, the Mata Nui Online Game II: The Final Chronicle, but it was glitch-ridden and wasn't as popular until a group called BioMedia Project helped remove the glitches and made various updates on the offline game (with the permission from the team who created MNOG II) It has since been removed from & It was rereleased by Templar Studios in 2013.
- Das Mata Nui Online Game ist ein Rollenspiel, dass 2001 erschinen ist
- Mata Nui Online Game to gra w której wcielasz się w Matoranina Takuę. Jest tam dziewięć poziomów. Atrakcją jest zebranie kompani kronikarza i Bitwa o Kini-Nui.
- Das meiste des Spiels kann als offizieller Teil der Geschichte angesehen werden. Dies trifft jedoch nicht auf jedes Detail zu.