| - To apply compost, use it on an empty and weeded farming patch before planting a seed or sapling. It can be used on all farming patches except the evil turnip patch. It can also be used before treating a patch with supercompost. Treating a farming patch with both compost and supercompost does not seem to improve your chances of having healthy crops nor does it seem to improve your chances of receiving more of them, although it does provide experience for applying both.
- Compost helps to build up soil.
- Compost - îngrășământ agricol natural, rezultat în urma fermentării lente a diferitelor resturi vegetale și animale, amestecate cu unele substanțe minerale.
- Näin käytät kompostia. Ensimmäiseksi etsi farming patch ja puhdista se haravalla. Sitten laita ruohot compostiin ja odota kunnes ruohot on lahonnut. sitten heitä compostit patciin. sitten pane siihen siemenet ja kastele ne. Sen jälkeen odottele kunnes ne on kasvanut. Luokka:Tavarat
- Compost is a teenager and an animal rights activist.
- Compost bins can be purchased in the "Garden Center" section of build mode, and cost §150. Compost bins initially start out empty, with 30 available units. If a compost bin with available space is on the lot, clicking on a pile of trash, a trash can or compactor with trash in it, a newspaper, an existing crop, or a deceased garden plant will provide the option "Compost", which will add the item to the nearest compost bin. Different items will contribute a different amount of compostable material to the bin. Every two units of compostable material will produce one unit of fertilizer. If there is only one unit of compostable material inside the bin, no fertilizer will be produced until more compostables are added. Each unit of fertilizer takes 6 hours to produce.
- It can be made by putting weeds, sweetcorn and other Farming produce into the compost bin at farming patches. It takes 30 minutes for the bin to make it rot into compost, but when it is finished rotting, the bin fills 15 buckets with compost. Filling a bucket with compost gives 4.5 Farming experience. Applying a bucket of compost to a farming patch gives 18 Farming experience. Multiple compost is used in some plants. Compost can also be bought from farming shops, such as those near the cabbage patch south of Falador, and Alice's Farming Shop north-west of Port Phasmatys.
- Compost is the aerobically decomposed remnants (waste) of organic matter. Image:Compost.jpg Given enough time, all biodegradable material will compost, and the primary objective in the modern push to compost is to capture readily degradable materials so they do not enter landfills. However, most small-scale domestic systems will not reach sufficiently high temperatures to kill pathogens and weed seeds or deter vermin, so pet droppings, scraps of meat, and dairy products are often best left to operators of high-rate, thermophilic composting systems. Hobby animal manure (horses, goats), vegetable kitchen and garden waste are nevertheless all excellent raw material for home composting. Early roots of composting as a treatment for municipal solid waste were spurred by awareness of the trash cr
- El compost, compostaje, o compuesto es el humus obtenido de manera artificial por descomposición bioquímica (fermentación) de residuos orgánicos como restos vegetales, animales, excrementos y purines. El compost se usa en agricultura y jardinería como enmienda para el suelo (ver abono), aunque también se usa en paisajismo, control de la erosión, recubrimientos y recuperación de suelos. Lo estudió el químico alemán Justus von Liebig.
- Compost is the decomposed remnants of organic materials (those with plant and animal origins). Compost is used in gardening and agriculture, mixed in with the soil. It improves soil structure, increases the amount of organic matter, and provides nutrients. Biodegradation is the means by which organic matter is recycled in its environment.
* Carbon
* Nitrogen
* Oxygen (air)
* Water
- To apply compost, use it on an empty and weeded farming patch before planting a seed or sapling. It can be used on all farming patches except the evil turnip patch. It can also be used before treating a patch with supercompost. Treating a farming patch with both compost and supercompost does not seem improve your chances of having healthy crops nor does it seem to improve your chances of receiving more of them, although it does provide experience for applying both.