| - Mario and Luigi: Stupid Mario Brothers! Mario: Episode Two! Luigi: Is it another letter from-a Bowser? Mario: [Sighing] Yes. Bowser: Hey guys, uh.... you didn't respond to my last letter... uh, getting kind of bored here... the toads aren't doing anything.... hoping to see you guys soon... uh, please come back... Peace Out. Luigi: What does he want-a this time? Mario: He's getting bored again. Seems like without us, he's got nothing to do! That lousy no-good jerk! Can't he find something better to do than make those levels throughout the castle and try to have us complete them? Luigi: Not really. But Mario, Peach is-a still kidnapped! Aren't we going to save her? Mario: Hmmmmm... nah! Luigi: [Sing-song voice] Okie day. Mario: Hey, Luigi! Let's-a go play some Wii Tennis! Luigi: All right! Luigi: Mario, you beat me again! Mario: Well, Luigi, some were born to play Wii Tennis, others had Wii Tennis thrust upon them! And others just flat out suck! Like you! Luigi: What?! I don't have to sit here and listen to this! Mario: What?! Never! Luigi: Fine then! If that is how you want to play, then I'm a-leaving! HMPH! Mario: Well, fine! Go! I don't need you anyway! The name of the game is Super Mario! Super MARIO! Who are you, Luigi?! Who are you?! Mario: WHO, ARE, YOOOOU?! Luigi: Cocky, egotistical, conceded son of a Goomba! That no-good, ungrateful moron has always taken me for granted! There's no Super Mario BROTHERS without Luigi! He thinks he's a big superstar! Wario: Ah, Luigi! I see Mario isn't here to protect you this time! It'll make taking you back to the Mushroom Kingdom all the easier! Heh heh! Weh heh heh heh! Weh... Mario (Overlapping with the music): This was before we shaved! Mario: Oh. Well, things sure are a lot more fun, now that I don't have that big dope following me around all the time. Yup. It sure is great to be on my own. [crying] No responsibilities, just a free man. Ahh, goombas. Narrator: Will Mario and Luigi ever reunite? Will Wario ever get that money Bowser promised him? Will the Safeway manager ever let RMA Studios film in the store? And will my wife ever stop looking at other men? Find out next time on the amazing adventures of Stupid Mario Brothers!