| - Desann fue un Jedi Oscuro chistori que fue uno de los aliados de la facción de Lord Hethrir, y su Imperio Renacido.
- Desann was a Chistori male Jedi who was affiliated to the New Jedi Order until he was seduced to the dark side and served as a Dark Jedi. He was eventually turned back to the good side when Kyle Katarn defeated him in a duel.
- He has lived for almost long as God and was created to be the Overlord Pimp of the Galaxy, controlling everyone's and tapping the asses of the Universe one by one. This guy has a Spiked ball lightsaber of a sadistic fetish which he uses to improperly insert into unsuspecting rectums to engage in a sodomy of an un-consenting (And sometimes consenting) nature, he can destroy your planet Just by his funk and doesn't afraid of anything. He is the wielder of the 6 Sex toys of Supremacy and, with which he created the site of 4chan. As an indicator of sex, He has a Pimp-cane of power that allows him to peer into the deepest of.....'holes', Basically.
- Desann se narodil na planetě neznalé síly, kde jeho zdánlivě magické schopnosti vedly k tomu, že se ho okolní lidé obávali. Měl zoufalé a osamělé dětství do doby, než jej oběvil okolo projíždějící obchodník, který v něm odhalil nadání v síle a odvezl jej do Akademie Jediů na Yavinu 4. Desann se poprvé někde cítil v bezpečí, poprvé poznal jaké to je mít přátele a být brán ostatními takový, jaký je.
- Desann is a dark jedi and a main antagonist in Jedi Outcast of the Jedi Knight Series. He is a Sith Lord and has an apprentice named Tavion. He has also a reptile-like humanoid appearance with rough, dark, skin, and is larger than the average human. Desann has superior fighting skills with the Force and lightsaber wielding. This makes him a formidable opponent for Kyle Katarn, the main character and protagonist. Desann created a strong group of warriors, trained to use the Force.