| - In the Eldorado Zone, KBC reporter Sally Acorn reports on the celebrity wedding of the year- singer-songwriter Fabian Vane is due to be wed to a mystery bride that nobody has ever seen before! Meanwhile, inside the church, Amy Rose bemoans her oversized Maid of Honour dress, created by her fashion designer friend Chrysalis, who is also in attendance. Amy says the real reason she accepted the position of Maid of Honour is that it has proven impossible to get close to Fabian since the wedding announcement and she is concerned at the level of secrecy, particularly since Fabian's awful singing has been a useful tool in the war against Robotnik. At this moment, Fabian's bride-to-be arrives: Ms. Ilka Webb, a huge and domineering spider!
| - In the Eldorado Zone, KBC reporter Sally Acorn reports on the celebrity wedding of the year- singer-songwriter Fabian Vane is due to be wed to a mystery bride that nobody has ever seen before! Meanwhile, inside the church, Amy Rose bemoans her oversized Maid of Honour dress, created by her fashion designer friend Chrysalis, who is also in attendance. Amy says the real reason she accepted the position of Maid of Honour is that it has proven impossible to get close to Fabian since the wedding announcement and she is concerned at the level of secrecy, particularly since Fabian's awful singing has been a useful tool in the war against Robotnik. At this moment, Fabian's bride-to-be arrives: Ms. Ilka Webb, a huge and domineering spider! The service progresses until Fabian can't help himself but sing with joy- Ilka chastises him and reminds him that he promised not to sing once they were married. She then proceeds to hurry the presiding Mayor Green on with the ceremony. Amy becomes suspicious- as much as she can't stand Fabian's singing, Amy gets the feeling Ilka is up so something. Unable to let her suspicions stand, Amy calls for the wedding to be halted, suspecting Ilka is a member of The Family, a literal black widow who preys on the rich and famous, marrying them for their fortune before killing them off and collecting their spouse's possessions in the aftermath. Fabian tries to calm Amy and says that insect brides are a hot new trend with celebs. Unfortunately for both, neither are right: Ilka reveals she is neither a Family member nor a real insect: in fact, she is a gigantic Badnik! As Ilka trashes the church, she reveals she was created by Robotnik to kill Fabian and pin the blame on the Family as the crime family have proven to be a thorn in his side. Unfortunately, her programming has become corrupted and she is stuck between being a murderous robot and her pre-programmed feelings for Fabian! As Ilka snatches up Amy and is about to kill her, Fabian attracts the robotic spider's attention and uses a ghetto blaster to play a series of songs he was to sing to his new bride (Amy comments that only Fabian Vane would mime his own wedding vows). Ilka is touched that Fabian still loves her in spite of knowing the truth and, unable to process her emotions, overloads and detonates. In the aftermath, Chrysalis and Amy commend Fabian on his quick thinking. Fabian is heartbroken at his loss- he could have been the one to start a trend of robot girlfriends!