| - Eberhard Jüngel (b. 1933) is a German theologian and Professor of Systematic Theology and Philosophy of Religion at the University of Tübingen, Germany. He is a contemporary and colleague of Jürgen Moltmann, Wolfhart Pannenberg, and is considered in the German-speaking world to be a thinker of comparable stature to these theologians. His dense, sometimes Heideggerian prose is not easily translated, and his own lack of English (he was raised in East Germany) has stood in the way of similar recognition in the English-speaking world. He has been influenced by Karl Barth (he is perhaps the most significant heir of Barth writing today), Rudolf Bultmann and Martin Luther, as well as philosophers G.W.F. Hegel and Martin Heidegger.
| - Eberhard Jüngel (b. 1933) is a German theologian and Professor of Systematic Theology and Philosophy of Religion at the University of Tübingen, Germany. He is a contemporary and colleague of Jürgen Moltmann, Wolfhart Pannenberg, and is considered in the German-speaking world to be a thinker of comparable stature to these theologians. His dense, sometimes Heideggerian prose is not easily translated, and his own lack of English (he was raised in East Germany) has stood in the way of similar recognition in the English-speaking world. He has been influenced by Karl Barth (he is perhaps the most significant heir of Barth writing today), Rudolf Bultmann and Martin Luther, as well as philosophers G.W.F. Hegel and Martin Heidegger. Much of Jüngel's significant work finds expression in dense theological essays, of which five volumes have been published to date (two have been translated into English: John Webster has translated volume 1 of Theological Essays and Arnold Neufeldt-Fast has translated volume 2, edited by John Webster). Jüngel's interest centers around a theology of language or hermeneutic theology. From his teachers Ernst Fuchs and Gerhard Ebeling he has borrowed an understanding of the gospel as a "word event", a concept he goes on to develop in dialogue with the philosophical tradition (see especially his essay on Metaphorical Truth, translated in Webster's collection). Jüngel's magnum opus, God as the Mystery of the World, appeared in 1977 (Siebeck; Eerdmans, 1983). Starting with a detailed critique of the common premises of both classical theism and modern atheism, he develops a trinitarian account of God explicated in terms of love. His early volume on Barth's doctrine of God, God's Being is in Becoming is a compact and dense reading of Barth. More recently, Jüngel became engaged in the debate around the Lutheran - Roman Catholic Joint Declaration on the Doctrine of Justification, where his critique of an earlier draft was influential. A fruit of this debate was his fairly accessible volume on The Gospel of Justification.