| - Insurrection Alpha was a holonovel program created by USS Voyager security chief Tuvok, a realistic depiction of Voyager and her crew in which the former Maquis members rise up in armed rebellion against the Starfleet crew members. It was originally designed in early 2371 when Tuvok believed that there was a strong likelihood of a real Maquis mutiny on the ship, and he intended to use the holoprogram as a "tactical simulation" to train his security officers to prepare them for the possibility of fighting their crewmates. However, before Tuvok completed the program, he decided that the Starfleet and Maquis crews were integrating better than anticipated, and realized that his program would only exacerbate tensions rather than solve problems. He therefore deleted the program... or so he thoug
- Insurrection Alpha was a holonovel created by Lieutenant Tuvok in early 2371. He created the program in the weeks following the stranding of the USS Voyager in the Delta Quadrant and the former Maquis crew coming aboard. The aim of the program was to act as a training scenario for his security teams to prepare for an attempted Maquis take-over of Voyager. However, following the incident with the Dresh, Tuvok decided that the program would cause more tension aboard Voyager instead of decreasing it, so deleted the program with only 1/3 completed. (VOY short story: "Command Code")
| - Insurrection Alpha was a holonovel program created by USS Voyager security chief Tuvok, a realistic depiction of Voyager and her crew in which the former Maquis members rise up in armed rebellion against the Starfleet crew members. It was originally designed in early 2371 when Tuvok believed that there was a strong likelihood of a real Maquis mutiny on the ship, and he intended to use the holoprogram as a "tactical simulation" to train his security officers to prepare them for the possibility of fighting their crewmates. However, before Tuvok completed the program, he decided that the Starfleet and Maquis crews were integrating better than anticipated, and realized that his program would only exacerbate tensions rather than solve problems. He therefore deleted the program... or so he thought. Unbeknownst to Tuvok, Seska (a Cardassian spy posing as a Bajoran member of the Maquis) discovered the program and hacked into it on stardate 48671. She created a backup version of the program with an extension that would activate the next time someone tried to change the program's narrative parameters. With this extension active, the goal of the program was to arrange for Tuvok's death as revenge for his "betrayal" of the Maquis. The altered program lay undiscovered until late 2373, when it was found by B'Elanna Torres during a routine computer purge. She decrypted the program and played it, and quickly became fascinated by the fictional story about herself and her crewmates. She shared the program with Tom Paris, and unintentionally let knowledge of the existence of the program slip to The Doctor, and soon the whole thing became an open secret among the Voyager crew. After Paris discovered that the program came to an end just after Janeway and Paris returned to Voyager to try and retake the ship, the program became the topic of a senior staff briefing, prompting Tuvok to admit that he was the author and explain his reasons for creating the original program. Rather than getting upset about the potentially inflammatory material that the holoprogram addressed, Captain Janeway endorsed a continuation of the program for entertainment purposes on the ship, citing a need for original sources of entertainment because of their long distance from the Federation. Tuvok and Paris agreed to collaborate on writing the rest of the program, albeit with different agendas. However, when the two officers attempted to access the narrative parameters, they unintentionally triggered Seska's modifications, which not only disabled the holodeck safeties and sealed access to the holodeck controls, but also sabotaged any system on the ship which could be used to rescue them. In Seska's altered program, members of the Voyager crew were disturbing mirrors of the real people; for example, The Doctor "treated" a phaser wound Paris had received with nitric acid before strangling Tuvok. Booby traps (such as rigged phaser rifles and exploding EPS conduits) were planted around the ship as well, and the program itself was designed to adapt itself to any outside changes that would give those participating in it an advantage. Ultimately, Captain Janeway was able to gain access to the program's narrative and character parameters from outside the holodeck, and altered the program sufficiently to allow Tuvok and Paris to rig a booby trap of their own, which "killed" the Seska hologram, somehow ending the program. (VOY: "Worst Case Scenario")
- Insurrection Alpha was a holonovel created by Lieutenant Tuvok in early 2371. He created the program in the weeks following the stranding of the USS Voyager in the Delta Quadrant and the former Maquis crew coming aboard. The aim of the program was to act as a training scenario for his security teams to prepare for an attempted Maquis take-over of Voyager. However, following the incident with the Dresh, Tuvok decided that the program would cause more tension aboard Voyager instead of decreasing it, so deleted the program with only 1/3 completed. (VOY short story: "Command Code") Shortly before she left Voyager to join the Kazon-Nistrim, Ensign Seska managed to create a back-up copy of the scenario, and reprogrammed it to act as a trap for Tuvok the next time he accessed or edited it. This remained undiscovered until late 2373, when Lt. Tom Paris began to access the program so that he could finish it. (VOY episode: "Worst Case Scenario")