Ronhar Kim was a male Human Jedi Master from Naboo and a General in the Grand Army of the Republic during the Clone Wars. He was eventually betrayed by his close friend, Supreme Chancellor Palpatine, which led to his death.
Ronhar Kim era un Maestro Jedi humano varón de Naboo y un General del Gran Ejército de la República durante las Guerras Clon. Él fue traicionado al final por su amigo más cercano, el Canciller Supremo Palpatine, quien le condujo a su muerte.
Ronhar Kim was a male Human Jedi Master from Naboo and a General in the Grand Army of the Republic during the Clone Wars. He was eventually betrayed by his close friend, Supreme Chancellor Palpatine, which led to his death.
Ronhar Kim era un Maestro Jedi humano varón de Naboo y un General del Gran Ejército de la República durante las Guerras Clon. Él fue traicionado al final por su amigo más cercano, el Canciller Supremo Palpatine, quien le condujo a su muerte.
Ronhar Kim was a male Human Jedi Master from Naboo and a General in the Grand Army of the Republic during the Clone Wars. He was eventually betrayed by his close friend, Supreme Chancellor Palpatine, which led to his death.