| - Spring Court leader and Bodhisattva of the Broken Cage Jenny has a reputation among the other courts as being a hedonist--at best. Corruption is the game of the day for her, and while the rest of the court is happy with its focus on desire, she takes it a step further--whether that means leading a woman to cheat on her husband or having one of the doormen at a bar 'overlook' a few teenagers. Besides, isn't 'sin' just another word for 'doing what you really want'? Leading people into new vices, that's easy. When it comes time to deal with the consequences, though, she's rarely to be found. These 'projects' take up plenty of her time, making her come off as an ineffective ruler to many, but those inside the Antlered Crown know better. The same skill for discovering what people really want t
| - Spring Court leader and Bodhisattva of the Broken Cage Jenny has a reputation among the other courts as being a hedonist--at best. Corruption is the game of the day for her, and while the rest of the court is happy with its focus on desire, she takes it a step further--whether that means leading a woman to cheat on her husband or having one of the doormen at a bar 'overlook' a few teenagers. Besides, isn't 'sin' just another word for 'doing what you really want'? Leading people into new vices, that's easy. When it comes time to deal with the consequences, though, she's rarely to be found. These 'projects' take up plenty of her time, making her come off as an ineffective ruler to many, but those inside the Antlered Crown know better. The same skill for discovering what people really want that lets her deal with mortals so well extends to other Changelings, and she's used this to cut a system of agreements that put control of the Court of Desire firmly in her hands. The same skill at negotiation has been one of the few things keeping Summer from Autumn's throat at points. Jenny is as unsubtle in her dress as she is in behavior, her time in Arcadia having left her with a thoroughly artificial appearance. Unlike most other Elementals, her substance isn't of the natural world, but thoroughly man-made. Her hair is neon pink, her nails dayglo orange, and her eyes, such a bright green that they're practically radioactive. She pairs this with bright colored clothing made of polyester and nylon, and her skin beneath always seems to be smeared with soot or grease. Of course, when spending time in the Spring court's flashy casino headquarters, her clothes barely stand out.