| - The germs that grow on meat that has not been properly handled. Probably aliens or disease-ridden liberals actively trying to discredit the beef industry. When it happens to someone else, it is a bad thing, but when used to brighten the face of a lady of a certain age, it is a beautiful thing indeed. This article is a stub. You can get a Tip of the Hat* from Stephen by adding only truthiness to it.*Tip of the Hat not guaranteed.
- Botulism was a Santa Cruz band. Lineup: Omar - drums Chris - guitar, vocals Erik - guitar, vocals
- An illness caused by eating food contaminated with clostridium botulinum bacteria. The bacteria grows rapidly in foods that are not stored properly. Foods that are canned improperly, such as asparagus, beets, corn, green beans, mushrooms, liver pate, and tuna may spoil and develop the bacteria spores that create botulism. Also, luncheon meats, ham, sausage, and smoked or salted fish can be improperly stored and develop the bacteria. Foods should be correctly packaged and stored at the proper temperature in order to prevent this bacterium from developing. Symptoms that may occur include double vision, swallowing or speaking difficulties, and respiratory system paralysis. If these symptoms occur, seek medical assistance immediately as this bacteria can be fatal.
- Botulism är en sällsynt och möjligen dödlig paralytisk sjukdom som orsakas av ett toxin. Under 2010 när MSgt. Ronald Greer hade hittat några konservburkar i Lucky Bar och gav de till Dr Dale Volker. Volker berättade att etiketterna på burkarna hade lossnat och att de inte visste vad som fanns i dem eller hur gamla de kunde vara. Greer svarade att de skulle de ta reda på när de öppnade burkarna. Volker skämtade "Mmm. Botulism.". (SGU: "Blockade")
- There are three main ways to obtain botulism, and with it the glow of eternal youth:
* Foodborne botulism is relatively inexpensive, but somewhat unpredictable.
* FDA-approved botulism is the injection of botulism directly into the face by a qualified medical professional. This one's way more expensive, unless your doctor earned his qualification at the Tijuana Back-Alley College of Medicine.
* Infant botulism is caused when parents feed the spores of the botulinum bacteria to their infants. These spores grow in the intestines and release the pretty juice, thereby preserving the child's youthful appearance for his/her entire life. Yet, despite the obvious benefits the child receives from this process, society tends to frown on this method, likely because most of society is ugly,
- Botulism is a type of poisoning caused by ingestion of the botulism toxin. The toxin is produced by a type of anaerobic bacteria. It is commonly found in canned food that was not heated to an appropriately high temperature. It is a very common type of food poisoning. It can also be caused when the bacteria grows inside the human body. It presents as paralysis which starts in the face and moves down towards the limbs. It often kills by paralyzing the muscles used for breathing.
| - Botulism is a type of poisoning caused by ingestion of the botulism toxin. The toxin is produced by a type of anaerobic bacteria. It is commonly found in canned food that was not heated to an appropriately high temperature. It is a very common type of food poisoning. It can also be caused when the bacteria grows inside the human body. It presents as paralysis which starts in the face and moves down towards the limbs. It often kills by paralyzing the muscles used for breathing. Unlike other types of food poisoning, such as salmonella, it is not the actual bacteria that cause the disease. Instead, the bacteria multiply in the oxygen absent environment of a canned food and produce the toxin as a by-product. The toxin itself is very potent and hardy. Even a small amount can be fatal, and at one time it was develoIped as a biological weapon. In addition, the toxin, once formed, is resistant to heat (even short exposure to boiling temperatures, although boiling for a few minutes will break it down) and antiseptics that would destroy the bacteria that made the toxin. The most common source of exposure to the toxin is home canned food, particularly those with a low acid content. It is rarely found in commercially processed food. Luckily, food tainted with botulism is usually obviously spoiled. However, the toxin still must be properly disposed of. For example, it can be spread easily if merely flushed away. A more proper method of disposal is to burn the affected food. Botulism toxin does have some medical uses. Because the toxin works by paralyzing muscles, it can be used as a paralytic. It is commonly used as such in plastic surgery, where it can often relax facial muscles for long periods of time in order to reduce wrinkling of the skin. Botulism is a medical emergency and must be treated in a hospital setting. The symptoms will resolve with time and usually treatment focusses on support, particularly breathing support. In the early stages, the patient may be given an antitoxin which will block the action of the toxin in the bloodstream. Physicians will usually do an environmental scan to prevent further accidental poisoning.
- The germs that grow on meat that has not been properly handled. Probably aliens or disease-ridden liberals actively trying to discredit the beef industry. When it happens to someone else, it is a bad thing, but when used to brighten the face of a lady of a certain age, it is a beautiful thing indeed. This article is a stub. You can get a Tip of the Hat* from Stephen by adding only truthiness to it.*Tip of the Hat not guaranteed.
- Botulism was a Santa Cruz band. Lineup: Omar - drums Chris - guitar, vocals Erik - guitar, vocals
- An illness caused by eating food contaminated with clostridium botulinum bacteria. The bacteria grows rapidly in foods that are not stored properly. Foods that are canned improperly, such as asparagus, beets, corn, green beans, mushrooms, liver pate, and tuna may spoil and develop the bacteria spores that create botulism. Also, luncheon meats, ham, sausage, and smoked or salted fish can be improperly stored and develop the bacteria. Foods should be correctly packaged and stored at the proper temperature in order to prevent this bacterium from developing. Symptoms that may occur include double vision, swallowing or speaking difficulties, and respiratory system paralysis. If these symptoms occur, seek medical assistance immediately as this bacteria can be fatal.
- There are three main ways to obtain botulism, and with it the glow of eternal youth:
* Foodborne botulism is relatively inexpensive, but somewhat unpredictable.
* FDA-approved botulism is the injection of botulism directly into the face by a qualified medical professional. This one's way more expensive, unless your doctor earned his qualification at the Tijuana Back-Alley College of Medicine.
* Infant botulism is caused when parents feed the spores of the botulinum bacteria to their infants. These spores grow in the intestines and release the pretty juice, thereby preserving the child's youthful appearance for his/her entire life. Yet, despite the obvious benefits the child receives from this process, society tends to frown on this method, likely because most of society is ugly, stupid, and/or jealous. All forms of botulism can be fatal and are considered medical emergencies, however, death from botulism does guarantee that one's corpse will be exceptionally pretty. Food-borne botulism can be especially dangerous as a public health problem because many people can be poisoned from a single contaminated food source, which means that passers-by and hangers-on might get a heaping dose of pretty without even paying for it. In the United States an average of 110 cases of botulism are reported each year (the rest of them are denying it). Of these, approximately 25% are food-borne, 72% are the fancy-pants FDA-approved kind, and 3% are infant botulism. Outbreaks of food-borne botulism involving two or more persons occur during most years and usually are caused by eating contaminated home-canned foods. The number of cases of food-borne and infant botulism has changed little in recent years, but instances of FDA-approved botulism has increased, especially in California.
- Botulism är en sällsynt och möjligen dödlig paralytisk sjukdom som orsakas av ett toxin. Under 2010 när MSgt. Ronald Greer hade hittat några konservburkar i Lucky Bar och gav de till Dr Dale Volker. Volker berättade att etiketterna på burkarna hade lossnat och att de inte visste vad som fanns i dem eller hur gamla de kunde vara. Greer svarade att de skulle de ta reda på när de öppnade burkarna. Volker skämtade "Mmm. Botulism.". (SGU: "Blockade")