| - Welcome to Professor Tropington's Museum of the Strange and Unusual. Within these halls, you will find exhibits dedicated to the mysteries of the world. For example, you will find the UFO displays up the stairs, next to the planetarium. To see the cryptid exhibits, take the hall to your left. To visit the Psychic Powers exhibit, well, you should know where that is.
| - Welcome to Professor Tropington's Museum of the Strange and Unusual. Within these halls, you will find exhibits dedicated to the mysteries of the world. For example, you will find the UFO displays up the stairs, next to the planetarium. To see the cryptid exhibits, take the hall to your left. To visit the Psychic Powers exhibit, well, you should know where that is. May I point out at this moment that the laboratories are strictly off-limits to unauthorized personnel. In addition, emergency exits are in place should anything happen. We also guarantee that none of the exhibits will come to life, drive you insane, or open a portal to another dimension. After you leave, you may want to visit the Bazaar of the Bizarre, the Artifact Collection Agency or the Superhero Trophy Shelf. Now, feel free to peruse our fine museum, but beware... You never know what may happen.