Cordelia wakes up from her coma.
* Big Damn Kiss: Angel and Cordelia share their first kiss that's not due to magical or demonic influence. Unfortunately it's their Last Kiss.
* Call Back: Lindsey mentions losing his hand after Spike complains of his hands being cut off. Angel watches the advertisement Cordelia and Doyle made for Angel Investigations in the first season.
* The Cast Showoff: Christian Kane, who went through two-and-a-half months of sword training for his role in Secondhand Lions, approached the writers to see if they could work his new skills into the episode. Kane ended up performing his own stunts for the sword fight sequence, including wire work.
* Convenient Coma
* Foreshadowing: The woman in the hospital bed whom the gang originally assume is Cordelia
Attributes | Values |
| - Angel/Recap/S05 E12 You're Welcome
| - Cordelia wakes up from her coma.
* Big Damn Kiss: Angel and Cordelia share their first kiss that's not due to magical or demonic influence. Unfortunately it's their Last Kiss.
* Call Back: Lindsey mentions losing his hand after Spike complains of his hands being cut off. Angel watches the advertisement Cordelia and Doyle made for Angel Investigations in the first season.
* The Cast Showoff: Christian Kane, who went through two-and-a-half months of sword training for his role in Secondhand Lions, approached the writers to see if they could work his new skills into the episode. Kane ended up performing his own stunts for the sword fight sequence, including wire work.
* Convenient Coma
* Foreshadowing: The woman in the hospital bed whom the gang originally assume is Cordelia
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| - Cordelia wakes up from her coma.
* Big Damn Kiss: Angel and Cordelia share their first kiss that's not due to magical or demonic influence. Unfortunately it's their Last Kiss.
* Call Back: Lindsey mentions losing his hand after Spike complains of his hands being cut off. Angel watches the advertisement Cordelia and Doyle made for Angel Investigations in the first season.
* The Cast Showoff: Christian Kane, who went through two-and-a-half months of sword training for his role in Secondhand Lions, approached the writers to see if they could work his new skills into the episode. Kane ended up performing his own stunts for the sword fight sequence, including wire work.
* Convenient Coma
* Foreshadowing: The woman in the hospital bed whom the gang originally assume is Cordelia, who closes the drapes before they can get a look at her face.
* Glomp: Harmony to Cordelia.
* Katanas Are Better
* Killed Off for Real
* Meaningful Echo: Cordelia quotes Doyle's "I get that now."
* Not Helping Your Case / Deal with the Devil
* Perp Sweating: Harmony slapping Eve.
* The Reveal: Lindsey has been posing as Doyle to manipulate Spike, Angel and Wolfram & Hart -- according to his parting advice to Angel in Season 2.
* Ship Tease: Fred and Wesley
* Sword Fight
* Title Drop: Cordelia's Famous Last Words
* Took a Level In Badass: Lindsey
* What Could Have Been: Was originally supposed to feature Buffy instead of Cordelia.