| - The Clawshot is an item from The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess. This tool consists of a long chain connected to a discharging claw that Link can fire to either pull items towards himself, or pull himself towards certain surfaces, hence the name. The Clawshot is functionally very similar to the Hookshot, but has several key differences. Unlike the Hookshot, the Clawshot does not allow Link to grapple to Treasure Chests. The Clawshot does not generally grab wood as the Hookshot does either. It is mostly used to grab onto certain surfaces such as metal grating, vines and specific grappling spots, the fingers of the claw being able to grab through their holes. Unlike most items, the Clawshot is usable while swimming and while underwater like the Hookshot in Ocarina of Time. Furthermore, the Clawshot has the ability to raise and lower Link after deployment. In combat, the Clawshot is generally useful as a makeshift ranged weapon, with the advantage of not requiring any ammunition. It is ideal for taking out small enemies such as Keese, but will merely cause most larger enemies to recoil or simply do nothing at all. It also lacks the ability of the Hookshot to stun enemies, though the claw extends and retracts appreciably faster, making it a more viable weapon against multiple foes. The Clawshot is obtained by defeating the Deku Toad, the mini-boss of the Lakebed Temple. After the toad is defeated, it spits out the Clawshot. Later in the game, Link can obtain another Clawshot in the City in the Sky, allowing Link to fire a second Clawshot when he is already stuck to a surface. The Clawshot can be used to play the STAR Game in Hyrule Castle Town. One Clawshot is needed in order to complete the first stage in the game, while both must be used to clear the second stage.
- The clawshot is an item found in The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess for the Wii and GameCube. Later on in the game the player can come in possession of an expansion called the Double Clawshot. It is very similar to the Hookshot, an item present in previous titles. It features three hooks that grasp onto specific items. After the protagonist Link grapples onto something, then he can either send himself towards it or bring an item towards him. The weapon has also been influenced by the Grappling Hook of The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker. In the game, the clawshot can be found in Lakebed Temple. The double clawshot expansion allows Link to continuously grab onto objects and sort of swing and it is found in the City in the Sky. The Clawshots later appeared in The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword with the same purpose they had in Twilight Princess. It is found in Lanayru Desert after completing the trial in the Silent Realm.