Jeff: You...have you seen my wife NATALIE? She should still be around here.
Frank: Looking for someone? I'll lend a hand.
Jeff: That'd be great, fella. The name's Jeff Meyer, by the way.
Frank: I'm Frank. I'm a journalist.
:Frank leads Jeff over to Natalie
Natalie: Jeff?
Jeff: Natalie?
Natalie: Jeff, oh, thank god you're ok!
Jeff: Oh, Natalie! I'll never let you go again.
Frank: Alright you two. You mind cutting your joyous reunion short? It's not
safe here, but I know a safe place. I'll take you to the Security Room.
Follow me.
:Natalie in Security Room: I'm never going to the mall again as long as I live. I've had enough of this.
:If Frank meets Natalie first:
Frank: It's too dangerous here. Follow me.