| - Being that all but one of them have high original ATK, they are often able to easily and brutally thrash opponents. However, this power comes with 2 drawbacks:
* Any given player can only control 1 "Earthbound Immortal" at a time - -AND-
* an "Earthbound Immortal" will immediately destroy itself when no Field Spell Card is in play. Earthbound Immortals also have a small but very potent series of support cards that allow them to further oppress the opponent. Their artworks all feature them emerging from a hole in the ground from which blue flames are emerging.
- Earthbound Immortals or just The Immortals or Earthbounds are 7 different type of statue, that were sealed in the snows of PreTerra that give the owner great power that either leads to protection & safety or destruction. Each one are a different colour & animal. The statues are supposed to be kept by a Signer, who is supposed to protect it with their life & to use it in a good way. The Immortals are very sacred, and some haven't even been found yet. The powers of the Earthbounds are unknown because they haven't been unlocked yet, except for the Spider, which was unlocked by Atrocious a long time ago. It has been confirmed that the Spider is an evil immortal. The Earthbound Immortals serve as to the complete opposite to the Signers, who are supposed to defeat any evil upon UnitedTerra. As after a millennium of confinement these statues beings were released after an accident occurred in the area now known as Satellite City. It was thought to be an accident as a result of the research into the Zero Reverse Tower, which gives energy to the city, going horribly wrong, in which supposedly the Zero Reverse Tower was supposed to generate an infinite positive power supply but instead the power was stored for years, and then was released, creating infinite negative energy and resulting in the occurrence of the "Zero Reverse Effect" which caused the destruction of the land. The big hole in the ground expanded & had so much power in it from the Zero Reverse Tower, that it allowed the Earthbound Immortals to escape. After the accident, the UnitedTerra Parliament had to think of a way to seal the Earthbound Immortals, because they were too powerful, and needed to be taken care off. Then they thought of putting them into small statue-figures, and they could be released with a press of the top & bottom of the statue, freeing the Immortal that was inside of it. Since there were 7, seven statues were made and each Earthbound Immortal was sucked into a statue, and the statue's figure changed into the shape of the Immortal it was. It has been revealed that each corresponding Earthbound Immortal stands for a codename relating to past secrets in PreTerra, which till this day are unknown of. While Uru stands for the codename referring to PreTerra itself, the others names each stand for a codename for something else. This information is unknown. Their labelled name, "Earthbound Immortal" is based on the ground of Zero Reverse. "Earthbound" for how they came out of the ground of Zero Reverse, being very attached to it, which they have now came free. They are supposed to be immortal, more specifically, unbreakable & un-defeat-able, which is why the name Earthbound Immortals was kept for them. Many are trying to research more on the Earthbound Immortals, but they can't find out much about them. How they were put into status & the rest of the history of the status.