| - 1812(1059) Central authority in the Kievan Rus' collapsed. Also this year, Turbo Paulus Arun of an Indian ADA discovered five gravitationally stable points in the orbital plane of the Earth's orbit around the sun. They became known as Nata Aruni I-V. In 1814(1061) Publius Sornatius Sotericus from Scanata improved Pustula’s percussion cap by encasing it in metal, making it even more water tight and simple to use. In 1822(1070) The Pilium was made as the standard issue weapon for all Legionaries and Praetorians. This greatly increased the Praetorius Politicus’ ability to dissuade violent civilians and win in rebellions. The Aduluibovis Sittius, a sea cow of the north Pacificus, becomes extinct from over-hunting. In 1824(1072) the Senate addressed the dual pronunciation problem with the letter I. They decreed the creation of the J. In 1830(1078) armed with more advanced niter weapons than ever, a southern expansion campaign in Mauretania Caesariensis was attempted, but the native African Kingdoms, after living next to Rome so long had learned how to organize and conduct themselves. They were even able to purchase pilium in some cases from Roman merchants of questionable character. This along with the many diseases, the most deadly being Malusaria, made the expedition a total failure. Eastern expansion in Gothia and Scandia went much better. In 1832(1080) in Britannia a large and very pure deposit of a light, lead-like metal was discovered. An abundant solid accumulation, its shards could be easily sawed off. The local farmers used it to mark their sheep but soon the compound was found to be a good marker on paper. It would later be used by artists because of the easiness of shadow making in sketches. Even further down the line when a simple and cheap way of containing the substance in a holder was developed, it would come into world wide use by all for any number of writing uses. The substance was known not to be Lead since it was far too light and was tested to having been non-toxic though it is still called plumbago (lead ore). The bark of a locally growing Inka tree called Cinchona is found to have medicinal properties in combating Malusaria. Within a few years over a million Libra (lbs) are exported annually to deal with the rampant disease which made any exploration of Africa beyond Imperial boundaries suicidal by default. Another discovery is the Inka crop eventually called Malumauris Terranis or just Malumterra by laypersons. It is a starchy, nutritious tuber, and can be grown in much colder climates than many other crops. They also require very little resources to produce. This crop makes its way to Rome and becomes added as a regular staple. In 1836(1083) the Senate restored Germania Superior to the Senatorial. Also this year, a mutation in a sinomala (remember oranges) grove in Tainocai began producing purple ones which had smaller seeds, a less bitter peel, and larger juice vesicles. Within decades these new sinomala largly replaced the old ones. In 1837(1085) Flavius Marcius Scribonianus and Tertius Vergilius Honoratus of a Gaul ADA had managed to extract alkaloid quinine from the bark of the Cinchona tree. In November rebellions in Abanacia, Scanata, and Nova Scandia began. They were partly against Rome’s redistribution of land to new colonists but mostly an attempt to rejoin the Commonwealth. Other origins came from the poor harvests in the provinces for the last two years and the recessions in those same provinces echoing Project Hadrian. Reserviled and imported slaves also took the opportinuty to support a chance to join the abolishinist Commonwealth. Legions sent to suppress the rebellion had little trouble retaking cities they fortified but the rebellion was widespread and some assistance from the Commonwealth caused the rebellion to last until Augustus(September) 1838(1086). With the end of the rebellion some rebels could not convince the judges of their citizenship or freeman status of either the Commonwealth or Rome and were crucified alongside the known slaves for high treason against the Empire; most others involved were heavily fined, exiled (obviously most going to the CW), imprisoned for a time, or released after trial. Rome dedicated increased resources to the infrastructure and development of the northern provinces to reduce the dissatisfaction of the people. The rebellions increased the hostile positions between the Commonwealth and Rome. In 1838(1085) the Senate was pressured by peaceful political activists to indulge in the idea of asking the public masses in Pannonia Superior if they would participate in a ‘referendum’ of joining the Senate. A democratic movement party had gathered up enough blackmail to ensure the Senate, if not outright allowing the province’s acceptance, at least allow the vote to take place. The Senate reluctantly agreed as long as these referendums were only granted to provinces which met senatorial requirements of stability. The vote was enormous and complex and took several months to organize, enact, and correctly count all citizen votes. In 1839(1086) Pannonia Superior joined the Senate. The Adipata Pyga, a fat flightless bird living on islands to the east of Madagascar, becomes extinct through the environmental destruction of its food source and an increased number of natural predators. Nobody noticed. Also this year, the governor of Gallia Lugdunensis, Qumerilus Carius Nelius began a reformation of the province's Censor magistrates, greatly refining and advancing the department, making taxing much more efficient and accurate. This new exhaustive surveying technique soon spread throughout the empire as a fundamental procedure that bettered the efficiency of the taxes. Over the next 50 years very little territorial expansion was granted by the Senate but for the invasion of Smaragdus Sicilia in 1840(1087). The empire’s stability had to be consolidated. Vaporeme development was greatly concentrated on to speed communication to India (the two seaway routes that were most used were through Syria and down the Euphrates to the Mare India or from the Red Sea to Felix Sinusus [the strait between Arabia and Africa], on to Mare India) as much as possible and to help oversea trade with the Tang. The Mahkir tribes in the north of the Kipchak Cilaf rebelled. The Muskovites took control of the city Kiev. Image:Senatorial1840 1087.png