| - Character Type: Main Character
- [[w:|]][[Category: derivations|Elisha]] אֱלִישַׁע "God is salvation".
- Elisha (Hebrew: אֱלִישַׁע, Modern Elišaʿ Tiberian ʾĔlîšaʿ ; "My God is salvation", Greek: Ελισσαίος, Elisaios, Arabic: إليسع Ilyasaʿ; pronounced /ɨˈlaɪʃə/) is a prophet of the Hebrew Bible. To many Roman Catholics and Eastern Orthodox he is known as Saint Eliseus; however, the standard English form of the name has been "Elisha," at least since the introduction of the Authorized King James Version. He is also a prophet in Islam under the name Al-Yasa.
- Elisha is the assistant for the Elves. Elisha will help you as you level up and begin your reign!
- Elisha is a woman who was pregnant and whose fiancé contracted tuberculosis.
- Elisha, son of Shaphat, was a prophet from Abel-meholah. He served for about fifty years in the northern Kingdom of Israel during the reigns of Jehoram, Jehu, Jehoahaz and Jehoash. After serving for a time as Elijah's disciple, he would go on to be used twice as mightily by the LORD, fulfilling his wish spoken shortly before the older prophet was taken bodily into heaven.