| - Another day in the life of a lone,sad, and depressed wolf. I only had 5 friends and they were all different types of animals. One of them was Maddie a dog who was very kind. Brittany was a german shephard and she was the funniest of them all! Abby was a snow leopard with a sense of style. Violet was a husky who was very nice but fierce at times. And the last one was Erika a koala who is brave and not scared of anything. Then there was me... a gothic wolf with no family and a deep depression that i cannot get out of. Today was different though. I was getting ready for my job ( a slutty lone wolf, trying to get free food from having sex with other wolves ) but then i saw a stone right by me. It looked just like a emerald except it was a different shade of green. I decided to give it to my friend Maddie since her favorite color was green. As i was walking to Maddie's doghouse i saw her running up to me. Oh my gosh Lola!! she exclaimed looking at the stone in my paw. That is the most beutiful stone i have ever seen in my life! Its for you! I said as i smiled and shoved it right in front of her. Are you sure you dont want to keep it? she asked me. Nope its all yours maddie! i shouted walking away to the forest where all the other wolves were. Thank you! she yelled as i was walking to my miserable job. But something was bothering me... that stone felt like it had some type of power. I shook my head and said too myself: Lola you are one crazy wolf. There is no way that stone is powerful! I saw the male wolves ahead googling me. Today was going to be a hard day i could tell. One of the male wolves came to me quickly. Why hello there ms. sexy... he said to me with a pervert smile. I can see your a slut so how much food and supplies will it take you too stay in my bed for a week? he asked me. A week!? I exclaimed. Well lets see it would cost you alot of food and supplies for me too stay with you for a week. Well ok then hop on me babe we are going to my den! he told me. So I got on his back and he ran to his den. Why dont you get into bed, i will be right back sexy! he shouted as he darted off. I knew this wasnt a good idea but i got into his bed anyway. I looked beside me and I saw a beutiful blue stone. It was exactly like the green stone i gave maddie except it was blue. I was thinking of my friend Brittany because her favorite color was blue. I heard paw steps coming closer too me, i knew he was back. Hey alpha, instead of you giving me alot of food and supplies how about you give me that blue stone and just a little bit of food and supplies? I asked him. Hmmm.... ok fine you can keep the stone i dont need it now get ready for the time of your life! he said to me. After a week of all that he packed up a bag filled with some food, supplies, and the blue stone. I hope we meet again ms. sexy... he told me as i ran away from that guys house. I ran right too brittanys house. Brittany was right there. Hey lola! she said. Hey brittany i got a present for you! i told her. Oh what is it!? she shouted. You know i love presents! Please dont tell me its another one of those badges that say im a hooker and im proud....she said. No no no i got this beutiful blue stone for you! i exclaimed holding up the blue stone too her face. Lola... we need to talk! she shouted grabbing the stone and my paw dragging me into her house. Look Lola maddie told me about the green stone you gave her last week and that green stone is part of a legend! This blue stone is part of the legend too! You see there were once 5 beutiful elements. They all had 2 forms: A stone form and a animal form. Each element had a job and that job was to keep the world in balance. For instance the green stone represents the plant element it controls the plants and tells them when to grow or do something. But one day a man went on a quest to find all the elements and drain their power away so he could control them and rule the world. He completed his quest and found all the element stones. He knew that he was just one step closer from taking over the world. But he didnt know about the dark angel. The dark angel was the one who created the elements and gave them jobs to balance the world. The dark angel found out about the elements and deystroyed the man before he could drain away the elements power. Then the elements were sent back to their original spots and were never seen again. Are you fucking messing with me bro or are you serious? i asked. I am completely serious! brittany shouted. Then my cell phone was ringing. It was maddie. Hello maddie. i said answering the phone. Lola get over here quick a dragon came out of that green stone you gave me! she yelled at me. Ok broski I will be there ASAP! i shouted back. Brittany come on, I think one of the guardians have been awoken! We ran to Maddie's doghouse and i saw a big green dragon by the front door. Why hello there! the dragon said in a deep voice. I am lecy the plant guardian! I can control the plants and make them grow. Here watch! He lifted his claws and wiggled his fingers and green leaves were growing on a oak tree near maddie's doghouse. Woah thats amazing! brittany said.Have you seen Maddie? she asked. Oh do you mean the dog? lecy asked. Yes the dog! brittany exclaimed. Oh she's right inside come in if you want! lecy told us as we wondered in. Lola! Brittany! I'm glad you guys are here! maddie said excitily. First of all why did a dragon come out of my beutiful green stone? she asked us. Well dude your green stone is actually one of the amazing elements. i told her the whole element thing. Woah... so that dragon outside my house is the plant element? she asked me. Yes he is and his name is lecy. i said to her. Hey you guys theres this leopard by the door and she says she wants to see you guys. the dragon said from the door. Let her in! brittany yelled. Heyyy people! Abby said as she came in with of course her new cool dress. Ok so u came here for 3 reasons! abby said happily. One of them is that i wanted to show you this cool dress I made! The next one is that brittany told me about the elements and she told me to come here. The last is that i found this beutiful bronze stone! Oh my gosh Abby you found one of the elements! i exclaimed. I did? she asked cluessly. Yes you did! i said. Oh by the way... whats with the dragon outside and why is he growing all those trees in front of your yard maddie? she asked. Oh thats lecy the element guardian of the plants! maddie said. He is a friend of ours now! Oh guys its getting late i have to go back to my den so i can get some sleep for my job tomorrow. i said with a sad look. I will see you guys tomorrow! Then i ran off thinking of that beutiful green dragon. I woke up the next morning and got my make up on and ate some lamb legs. While i was walking to my normal slutty spot in the forest i saw a fox leaning against a tree. Hey cute wolf come over here! he called out too me. He was cute and charming, he seemed kinda nice so i walked toward him. Your a cutie! Mind if we have fun tonight? he asked polietly. Oh sure! i exclaimed happily. Good just be here by tonight! he said. Ok! I got a call from Brittany right when i was walking back to my house. Lola get over here another guardian animal came out of a stone! she shouted into the phone. Ok ok i will be there! i shouted back. I ran over as fast as i could and right when i was about to go into the house a huge blue anaconda came into the way. Why hello there little sassssyyyyyyy girl. it said to me. You musssstttt be the wolf brittany wassssss talking about. He circled around me. You are very pretty. May i sssshow you ssssomething? He wrapped around me and took me to the lake. Watch thisssss. he told me. He hissed a couple of words and a beutiful fish leaped into my paws from the lake. You musssst keep that fish, It will protect you from the other dangersssss of your life. he told me. Then he dragged me back to Brittanys house. I walked inside and i saw brittany with a oujia board. WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING WITH THAT SATANIC TOY!!!! i yelled at her. Im just going to ask 3 qeustions and then you can go to a dudes house. brittany said calmly. Here put that fish in this bowl of water! she handed me a bowl and i plopped the fish in. I wondered how it stayed alive that whole time. Ok fine but only 3 questions ok! i told brittany. Ok ok..... put your paws on the piece. she pulled my paws and placed them on the piece. Is Lola going to be in danger? brittany asked the board. It pointed to yes. Ok then will I be in danger? Then the board spelled out You all will be in danger. Ok last question, what is going to happen to us. It spelled out the word DIE. I was creeped out and we both said goodbye to the board and put it away. Ok well i got to go britt i will see ya around! i said very worrily. I ran to the tree where i met that cute fox and i saw him there ready. Why hello there my cutie. he said. Hey cutie. I said back. He was much nicer than the other wolves. You ready? he asked me. Yea i am! i exclaimed. He started nibbling my ear and he said: i promise i wont hurt you like the other wolves did. The next morning i was relaxed and calm that was the most relaxing sex i had ever had.... Hey by the way whats your name fox? i asked the fox. My name is cody, what is yours cutie? he answered back. Oh.. my name is Lola. That is a beutiful name. he told me. Hey cody... do you want to be... girlfriend and boyfriend? i asked him. Sure as long as i get to do you anytime. he smirked and nibbled my ear more. I love you... he said to me as he laid me down. I love you too... i whispered as he laid down on me. HEY BROSKI WHATS UP!? a doberman yelled from across the den. Ugh thats my brother we well have fun as soon as im done talking to him ok? he said to me. Ok. i answered. Why are you here Chris im trying to have fun with my girl! he said to the doberman named Chris.You got a girl? he asked him as he looked at me. She looks sexy! he exclaimed to cody. Hey! Dont hit on my girl! he shouted at Chris. Im not, Im not! he shouted back. I got a text message from abby and brittany and it said get over here immediatly! UHM HEY GUYS WE HAVE TO GO TO MY FRIENDS HOUSE IS THAT OK!? i yelled from across the den. UHM SURE LETS GO! cody yelled back. I lead the way as we ran to brittanys house. When we got to the door the blue snake and the green dragon were playing with their magic but we ignored it and busted thru the door. HELP US! abby and brittany yelled. The oujia board piece was moving on its own across the board very fast. I slammed my paw on it and asked it one question and only one question. WHAT THE HELL DO YOU WANT!? i shouted at the board. Then it spelled out: the stones... I said goodbye to the board and slammed it into the case. Just then my friend violet bursted thru the door and yelled WHAT THE HELL WAS ALL THE NOISE ABOUT!? Violet was abbys neighbor and she was a husky. Oh sorry we were trying to calm a oujia board down. i said calmly. Uhm ok and by the way why is there a green dragon, a blue snake, and a bronze griffion outside your house brittany? violet asked. Oh well you see.. i explained the elements and the guardian animals and stuff to violet. But i dont remember there being a bronze griffion....! Oh that griffion came out of my bronze stone. abby said. Cody came by my side and held my waist. Are you ok babe? he asked me. Yea im fine. i answered. Then all of a sudden the beutiful fish came out of the side of the bowl and said: You guys are in terrible danger..... the demon pasinc is coming soon! I will be able to fend off pasinc just for a little while. But you must find all of the guardian animals... and catch the dark angel. Me, cody, and chris went back to codies den after all that drama and went to sleep. I slept with cody and chris slept outside. The next day i wanted to ask the 3 guardian animals a couple of questions so i went to brittanys house and found the dragon,snake, and griffion. Hello there guardians. i said to them. Hello missssss lola what would you like? the blue snake asked. I just got a couple of questions for you. i answered. Ok! they all said. Ok what are all of your names? i asked them. Oh im lecy. the green dragon said. Thats nyaid. he said pointing to the blue snake. And thats kimba. he said pointing to the bronze griffion. Ok... What elements are you all? Well im the grass element. lecy said. Im the water element. nyaid said. I am the ground element. kimba said. Ok last question..... who is the dark angel? i asked them the last question and they looked a bit worried. Well you see.... you are the dark angel Lola..... lecy answered. M-m-me?? i asked. Yes you.... if you dont watch your back the demon pasinc will try to catch you! lecy replied. HEY LOLA LOOK WHAT I FOUND! violet was behind me. She held up a purple stone. I think this might be a element stone! she exclaimed. Then out of no where the stone shined very brightly. A purple hyena came out of the stone and growled. No! We are your friends!!! violet yelled at the hyena. Ok ok sorry im just hungry.... he said. Then he broke brittanys roof and ate the fridge. Then his eyes started to glow and he moved a giantic tree near him so he can eat the fruit. WOW YOUR PHYCIC! i shouted. Yes i am! he shouted back. I looked up too see the tree moving around but then i saw the clouds turning and gray. They were forming a circle. And i heard a whisper and it said: Be my slave little angel and we will rule the world. From the clouds a hand formed. It grabbed me and pulled me into the clouds right on the spot. I looked at the hand it looked like a gargoyles hand. The hand brought me up to a ugly and scary gargoyle head. Why hello there dark angel... we meet again and this time i will not let you out of my sight. the gargoyle told me and lead me to a castle protected by demons. You will find it comfortable here. he said to me as he gave me to one of the demon guards. Take her to the power draining cage, she will be powerless. Right away sir! the demon said flying me to the next floor. The demon grabbed me by the next and threw me in the cage. There was no way to escape. I started scratching the metal bars but it was no use the power drainage was starting. Rays of acid came into my body leaving me powerless. When all my power and energy has been sucked up into a ball, pasinc came in the room. My, my, I never knew this was going to be easy! he shouted happily. Now the last thing to do is...... turn you into a demon angel. A demon angel? i asked. Yes it is the most powerful fallen angel. he explained. And with the demon angel in my control i will be able to control the universe! He held me up too the wall and he sang the most weirdest and scariest song ever: i am in control, you are weak! You may as well give up or i will make you a troll! You will be my little angel, follow every command i say now! Now go and give me the universes power!! After that i didnt feel like myself... RISE MY BEUTIFUL ANGEL AND TOGETHER WE WILL RULE THE UNIVERSE! pasinc yelled as i stood up in my now destroyed room. I looked at my body... my furs color was red and black. My you are so pretty... now all i want you too do for today my little fallen angel is to find your friends and bring them back here, i have a little surprise for them. I had no control of my body and somehow i sprouted dragon wings. I flew to earth and i found maddie. I disquised my demon body as my normal body so that my friends wont notice. The first person i saw was maddie who was crying her eyes out. I went up too her and tapped her shoulder. She looked up and smiled. LOLA YOUR ALIVE! she shouted. Yes i am... and i always will be....... i said with a creepy smile and red glowing eyes. Hey maddie why dont you get everyone so we can have a small party! i exclaimed. Ok! im so glad your alive! she said running off to get everyone. When she was gone i went off to find the guardians of the elements. Hello guys can i talk to you for a sec? i asked all of them. Sure! kimba said. They all followed me to the lake by maddie's house. Can you tell me if you guys see my bracelet in there? They all looked down in the water. No... i dont see it. lecy said. Here have a better look! i raised my paw and they all were slammed into the lake. Now that the guardians are dead now i have a better chance of getting everyone to pasinc. I flew back to the house and saw everyone there. They all cheered and we had fun. But the fun didnt last forever. Hey guys want me to show you guys a cool trick? i asked them. Sure! violet said. ok then you guys just stay there. I raised my paw and whipped it up in the sky. They all shot up into the air. I heard a voice in my head, it was pasinc. Good girl lola now come back up here and rest you had a long day. I shot up into the air and found pasinc waiting. I also saw all my friends huddled up in a cage. Pasinc patted my head and smiled. Go to bed lola you need sleep for tomorrow. I went to pasinc's castle and layed down. A vision started in my head. It was scary. I saw all my friends decapitated on the ground and pasinc laughing his head off. I also saw myself in the vision. I was crying and i looked like my normal self. Then the vision just faded. But i saw some words right before i blacked out. The words said: The stones. I woke up the next morning. I still felt confused after the dream. I killed the guardians and i got my friends, but what does the stones mean. Then i realized something. I never broke the stones. The guardians were never dead.... they are still alive. I ran right to pasinc and told him that i never killed the guardians. His eyes turned into a fury red. WHAT!? he shouted. YOU MEAN THEY ARE STILL ALIVE!? He held me against the wall. You better crush those stones because if you dont then your friends will be crushed instead. he told me in a queit but threating voice. I looked over and i all saw them trembling in something that looked like a jail cell. I nodded and pasinc threw me back onto the land right by the lake where the guardians were sitting there. How.... how could you lola?..... lecy said with a sad voice. You could've let usssss sssssurvive! nyaid shouted. Calm down! kimba and the hyena said together. I am sorry you guys..... i said sadly. But you must die! i shouted. I ran to maddies house and bust open the door. I found all the stones and lifted them up. But right before i was about to slam them on the ground... i fell too the floor.... cold and dead. I knew where i was going... it was pretty obviouse. My soul was going to hell. PASINCS POINT OF VIEW. Where is that slut!? i boomed. I was pacing across the room back and forth. I saw lolas friends trembling in the cell i put them in. If she doesnt get back her by tonight you guys are all my dinner. i said to them. I kicked back on a chair and waited. LOLAS SOULS POINT OF VIEW. I was falling underground. I knew that i would hate it here. When i finally reached the hot lava ground i saw a sign. WELCOME TO HELL. I could tell it was painted in blood. I also knew that i must come back to life some how.... I looked ahead trying to find somebody to tell me what was going on. I saw a demon with curled horns and a tatto on his head that said ZOZO. Hello there, i was wondering if there is any powerful demon to help me get out of this horrible place, can you please help me? i asked the weirdo. You must be the new soul... he said with a creepy toothy smile. You know the only way out of here is to visit king satan and do one of his quests. I huffed and pushed the demon to the floor. Look bud i dont have anytime for silly quests.. my friends are in trouble and i am running out of time! i shouted growling at him. Fine.... if you dont want to waste your time can you do something for me? he asked frowning. Fine as long as its quick. i answered. I want you to race me from here to the hell mines. he said pointing to a mine full of magma rocks. Deal. i replied. To make it fair i will give you these dragon wings i found. he handed me my evil dragon wings i had on my body. Alright... ready....set..... PASINCS POINT OF VIEW. I sat there looking at the clock. I growled and walked over to the cell.One of them walked over to me and looked me right in the eye. I can tell she was a leopard. I took her out of the cell and held her by the neck. You listen to me you stupid cat! i said to the struggling spotted feline. Dont...call....me.. stupid! she yelled and she managed to scratch my hand. Haha nice try kitty... i said to her throwing her back in the cell and shutting the door. I went back to the chair and waited. -LOLAS POINT OF VIEW- I flapped my wings and i was determined to win. GO! zozo yelled getting a head start in front of me. I flew up and flew at the speed of light. Zozo was way ahead of me but i didnt give up hope. I gave it all my strenth and i felt my head crashing into a wall. I looked up and zozo was behind me. I won.... i cheered and jumped all around. DAMN IT! zozo yelled. Well a promise is a promise. Stand still. He opened his mouth and shot purple fire and he shot it directly at me. Next thing i knew i was back in maddies house on the floor, the stones right by my head. I had to make my huge decision. I took the stones in my hand and flew back up to pasincs dungeon. I then put them in my pocket and ran up to pasincs door and kicked it open. Well, well, well if it isnt the little slut, did you kill the guardians? he asked me. I nodded not saying a word. He released my friends from the cell and laughed loudly. NOW I MAY RULE THE UNIVERSE!!! he boomed. Not today! i yelled. I balled up my fists and they caught on fire. But it wasnt orange... it was purple. I punched pasinc square in the face. He hissed and screeched. He was transported to hell.... we did it! i said to everybody, but then i fell to the floor. Everybody gasped and went to me. I am going to die.... but i will always be in the night sky watching over you... i said tearing up. NO! YOU CANT DIE! abby yelled at me. DONT DIE PLEASE!!! maddie said. I saw brittany and erika tearing up. In fact everybody was. But it was my time, i needed to take my responsibilities and be the dark angel of the night. I started evaporating and reaching toward the sky.... well thats the end.... maybe someday i will come back to earth..... someday i will come back.... as a new wolf.... a new person...... but for now its just me and the freaks in the sky. Goodbye. Lola's recarnation ( or however you spell it xD): Well im up here in the sky, like i said before. Everybody was still sad about me going to heaven. So i thought to myself. What if i recarnate my soul into another wolf or animal. I decided that my soul would have 3 forms. A wolf, a dragon, and a lynx. I decided to release my soul back to earth tonight. When it was 11:00 i got ready. I relaxed myself, letting all my energy go into the middle of my body. Then i felt something being released. I did it! i shouted in joy. LOLAS SOULS POINT OF VIEW. W-where am i? i asked myself. I saw a snow leopard by a house, she was staring at me wide eyed. L-lola!???.... MADDIEE!!!!!!!! she shouted. I looked down at myself, seeing that i was a wolf. A collie came out of her house and stared at me. Then other animals came out of their houses. They all seemed familiar... Who are you guys?? i asked them. We are your friends...... maddie answered. Well i dont remember you guys. i said. Well you look like lola..... brittany said. Ohhhh no no!! i said laughing. I am lolas soul! I came down to earth to continue lolas life! i exclaimed. Ohhhh but you look exactly like her! abby said, sounding confused. Well here is something different between me and the real lola. My skin became scaly, and my body was starting to take an serpent form. My snout grew longer and my claws grew sharper. Soon, i became a huge multicolored dragon. Wow!!! brittany shouted in awe. But the rest of them were trembling. C-can you change back? erika stuttered. Of course i can! I exclaimed in a deep voice. After a couple of minutes, i was back to my own wolf self.