| - Jane also owned a slightly abridged and updated copy with a few of the more egregious racial slurs removed, usually kept in her own equivalent of John's magic chest. Her Poppop had an antique unabridged copy, which had traveled to the post-scratch universe with him on his meteor, the same copy John found in his father's safe. At a later date, Roxy Lalonde accidentally appearified it and crushed Frigglish the cat. Rose has been shown to be unenthusiastic about the Text, though this is hardly surprising, given her taste for Darker Literature.
| - Jane also owned a slightly abridged and updated copy with a few of the more egregious racial slurs removed, usually kept in her own equivalent of John's magic chest. Her Poppop had an antique unabridged copy, which had traveled to the post-scratch universe with him on his meteor, the same copy John found in his father's safe. At a later date, Roxy Lalonde accidentally appearified it and crushed Frigglish the cat. File:Sassacre Fedora.png Combined with the hammer and the telescope, it made the daunting Telescopic Sassacrusher. John had already at some point probably combined the text with his birthday Con Air Bunny from Dave, and a fedora from his Dad's Bedroom as the resulting Bunny Sassacre Fedora appeared when John, after hitting Bec Noir with the Pop-a-Matic Vrillyhoo Hammer, rolled the Fluorite Octet contained inside the hammer to produce the combination 1-2-3-4-5-6-6-8, giving Jack the Ridiculous Hat. Rose has been shown to be unenthusiastic about the Text, though this is hardly surprising, given her taste for Darker Literature.